Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi Tỉnh Lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh - Bảng A - Sở GD&ĐT Nghệ An

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Nội dung text: Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi Tỉnh Lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh - Bảng A - Sở GD&ĐT Nghệ An

  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH LỚP 9 NGHỆ AN NĂM HỌC 2022 – 2023 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH - BẢNG A Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) (Đề gồm 12 trang) ĐIỂM HỌ TÊN, CHỮ KÍ GIÁM KHẢO SỐ PHÁCH Bằng số: Giám khảo 1: . Bằng chữ: Giám khảo 2: SECTION A. LISTENING (50 points) Part 1. (30 pts) You will hear a program about history of English. For questions 1-15, listen and complete the text below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS/OR A NUMBER in the spaces provided. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. English in the world: A very brief history of a global language The English language has existed for a little over one and a half thousand years. Which, in the (1) ___ of things is just a blip in the history of human language. And an even smaller blip in the history of humankind. The language is called English because of its (2) ___ with England which sounds straightforward enough, although it's actually a bit more complicated than this. English had (3) ___ here in the north of Europe. Although of course, it wasn't called English then. There were a number of Germanic (4) ___ The Angles, Saxons, and the Jutes, who crossed the channel; It wasn't called the English channel until the (5) ___ and found out across the island of Great Britain which at the time was (6) ___ by Britons who spoke Celtic languages, the ancestors of Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, and Cornish before the Anglo-Saxons arrived the Romans had also colonised (7) ___ of the island along with people from various parts of the Roman Empire. Later the Vikings came and then the Normans, all speaking their own languages and also (8) ___ with English. It wasn't until the 14th century that English became properly established as the language of England and was used for the first time in (9) ___ and in the law. The first king of England to speak English as his native language was Henry IV. Henry came to the (10) ___ in 1399 almost a thousand years after the Anglo-Saxons arrived but once English was established, it also began to spread or more (11) ___ it began to be spread. The most important driver for this was colonialism in lots of countries, English (12) ___ the local language, and (13) ___ of English developed in other countries, English existed alongside the local languages and (14) ___. In the 20th century, it continued to spread through the entertainment industry, politics, the media, and technology, so that today it's a truly (15) ___ language. Throughout its history, it's always changing and we'll continue to do so far into the future. Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1
  2. Part 2. (10 pts) You will hear an interview with a man called Tony Elliott who founded a magazine called Time Out. For questions 1-10, decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 1. Time Out was unlike other publications in 1968 because it had a comprehensive list of events. 2. They were idealistic amateurs from the start. 3. Tony did not have any publishing experience. 4. Tony promptly transformed Time Out into being a kind of contemporary arts magazine. 5. Tony left the university because he had found an alternative career. 6. At first, the magazine was three-weekly. 7. According to Tony, it was external pressure that led the magazine to become weekly. 8. Some people started the same publication. 9. Big publishers were not interested in this type of magazine. 10. The readership have become older. Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Part 3. (10 pts) You will hear a news report about eco-homes. For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 1. What is the best headline for this story? A. Eco-home residents see energy bills soar. B. Government pledges to construct more eco-homes. C. Eco-home construction delayed by financial problems. 2. Which of the following is NOT true of the Pavilion Gardens complex? A. It was finished two years ago. B. It comprises 45 homes. C. It cost 6.5 million pounds to build. 3. James Farmer’s energy bill was ___. A. £900 for 3 months B. £1600 for 3 months C. £1500 for 6 months 4. Bradford Council will___. A. demand that the energy company reduces the bills B. find out why the bills are so high and try to lower them C. find alternative accommodation for the people of Pavilion Gardens 5. The critic disagrees with the government’s pledge to build more eco-homes because___. A. the homes are poorly designed B. the homes are too expensive to build C. the homes do not significantly cut energy use Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2
  3. SECTION B. LEXICO – GRAMMAR (20 points) Part 1. (12 pts) Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. Write A, B, C or D in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 1. The boy who failed the exam has to take another one, ___? A. did he B. hasn't he C. didn’t he D. doesn't he 2. This clock is always slow; I put it ___ ten minutes every morning. A. back B. up C. forward D. ahead 3. In my small house there are two rooms, ___is used as the living-room. A. the large one B. the largest one C. the largest of which D. the larger of which 4. Before the invention of the Internet, people couldn’t ___ of such universal access to information. The main way to update it at that time was to read newspaper. A. approach B. conceive C. reminisce D. contemplate 5. Parents should protect children from getting into trouble in their early teens or else they will go on to become ___ offenders. A. relentless B. insistent C. persistent D. consistent 6. ___ 90 percent of Asia's people live in the eastern and southern parts of the continent, which contain some of the most ___ regions in the world. A. Most/thick-populated B. Most/thickly-populated C. Almost/thick-populated D. Almost/thickly-populated 7. Most psychologists believe that the basic structure of an individual’s personality is ___. A. well established extremely by the age of five B. by the age of five it is extremely well established C. by the age of five and well established extremely D. extremely well established by the age of five 8. There are ___ words in English having more than one meaning. Pay close attention to this fact. A. a large many B. quite many C. a great many D. quite a lot 9. The contractor’s recommendation is that the old building ___. A. need repairing B. is needed repairing C. needs to be repaired D. need to repair 10. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined bold word in the following question. Children who know how to tend a garden can grow up to be environmentally conscious individuals. A. conduce B. care C. trend D. destroy 11. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined bold words in the following question. After having a poor performance in the mid-term test, I decided to put my shoulder to the wheel to achieve better results in the final test. A. refuse to work hard B. pay much attention C. keep anxious D. work diligently 12. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete the following exchange. Brian and Robert are discussing the topic of nutrition. - Brian: “People should eat five daily portions of fruit and vegetables, as far as I’m concerned.” - Robert: “___ since fruit and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber” A. I shouldn’t agree with you more B. That’s just what I am thinking C. I’m not so sure about that D. I must take issue with you on that 3
  4. Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Part 2. (8 pts) Read the passage below, which contains 8 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. Line 1 Thousands of books have written on the conflict between parents and teenagers. Psychologists and 2 sociologists have spent years to try to understand the reasons for the tension and endless arguments 3 between these two groups. 4 A close look at these arguments often reveals that the reasons are so trivial that we may wonder how 5 the tears and shouts have all been about. Most arguments are not about major issues like the nuclear 6 bomb or the ecological problems of the universe. The fights are usually about simply matters such 7 as food, clothes, the weekly allowance or the telephone. 8 Let's take an ordinary day and examine what happens. Problems start around 7 a.m. It is then when 9 parents expect their children to get up, get dressed, eat and go to school. Parents and alarm clocks 10 seem like the enemy of mankind at that early hour. Some parents even expect the "poor" youngsters 11 to tidy up their room and put everything in its place before leave for school - a ridiculous demand 12 - in the eyes of the "victims". In the afternoon, parents want them to do homework and study hard. 13 They resent their children's endless conversations on the phone. In the evening, they complain about 14 the clothes and jewelry the teenagers wear and preach for hours about the dangers on the road and 15 the need to be home by midnight in the latest, like Cinderella. Your answers: Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. SECTION C. READING (70 points) Part 1. (15 pts) Read the passage and choose the best answer. Write your answers A, B, C or D in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. Many educators believe that it is better for students to attend school all year round than to have a long summer vacation. Ideally, the summer can be (1) ___ bit as productive as time (2) ___ in a classroom. The vacation should be a carefree time, spent outdoors or with family but, (3) ___ that most parents work, it is all too often the case that children are left unsupervised. All students forget a certain (4) ___ of what they have learned so teachers are (5) ___ to spend time at the beginning of the year reviewing parts of the curriculum from the previous grade. Studies have shown that children from low-income families fall (6)___ behind during the summer than children from wealthier backgrounds. One study found that (7) ___ middle-class children slightly improved their reading skills over the summer months, their (8)___ from low-income families lost more than two months in reading achievement. (9) ___ solve the problem, some school districts have (10) ___ a year-round schedule with a series of shorter breaks instead of a three-month summer vacation. A national study carried out by the Ohio State University found, however, that year round schools had no significant impact (11) ___ how much children learn. They found that 4
  5. children learned about as much in year-round schools as they did in schools using a nine-month calendar. And while poorer students at the (12) ___ did suffer "learning loss" during the summer months, (13) ___ at the year-round schools also did (14) ___ during the shorter breaks. The author of the study suggested that poor children need to attend more days of school, (15) ___ they will fall behind. 1. A. every B. almost C. nearly D. any 2. A. attending B. spent C. is D. passes 3. A. when B. besides C. consequently D. given 4. A. minority B. touch C. amount D. number 5. A. going B. mandatory C. obliged D. compulsory 6. A. much B. further C. even D. lot 7. A. while B. yet C. fewer D. rather 8. A. students B. peers C. assignments D. courses 9. A. Hence B. Seeing that C. In order to D. On account of 10. A. adopted B. covered C. opted D. required 11. A. to B. with C. on D. towards 12. A. others B. latter C. beginning D. study 13. A. those B. all C. former D. they 14. A. likely B. so C. this D. such 15. A. after B. therefore C. otherwise D. unless Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Part 2. (15 pts) Read the text below and fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. Can Listening to Music Help You Concentrate? Are you the kind of person (1) ___ enjoys listening to music when (2) ___ out certain tasks - for instance, while studying (3) ___ an exam, driving a car, or reading a book? A common belief shared by many is that listening to background music helps improve focus, blocks (4) ___ distractions, and even makes a tedious task more enjoyable. Yet (5) ___ the prevalence of music in our daily lives, (6) ___ is known about how this soundtrack affects brain function. A recently published article in "Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain" examined the effects of background music (7) ___ memory by using music to alter the listener's (8) ___ (happy or sad) and arousal states (positive or negative). The results? It turns out memory performance was best (9) ___ listening to low arousal, negative music, and (10) ___ for high arousal negative music. However, (11) ___ to silence, background music had (12) ___ no effect for some participants or significantly impeded memory performance. It turns out some people use (13) ___ same mental processes which are required to remember things to also process music, which (14) ___ that a percentage of the brain regions responsible for memory - regions you need to focus on the task at (15) ___ - are actually being re-allocated to processing background noise. Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 5
  6. Part 3. (20 pts) Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions. Write your answers A, B, C or D in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. Personality and health There is increasing evidence that health is linked to personality. However, until now, the relationship has not affected the way health care is delivered. There are several reasons for this. Some health workers doubt whether there is a direct link between health and personality or whether it’s just a coincidence. Some feel it is their professional duty to treat all patients in the same way. Others argue that delivering health services according to patients’ personalities will have minimal impact and therefore isn’t worth the effort. However, some psychologists believe that applying different procedures to people with different personalities could have a significant, positive effect on health. Research into personality has, in recent years, focused on the Big Five model of personality types. This model measures how neurotic, extrovert, open to experience, agreeable and conscientious a person is. Some of these personality types have been studied in relation to health. For example, conscientious people tend to be less likely to smoke, drink too much alcohol or be inactive. However, in other cases, the relationship is less clear. Neurotic behaviour, for instance, has been found in some studies to increase the risk of death, in others to protect people from illness and in others to have no link to health at all. Even so, if health workers applied an understanding of personality to the services they provide, they could influence the extent to which patients act on advice and follow their treatment. For example, high sensation- seeking individuals, who are extroverts and unconscientious in the Big Five model and tend to take part in risky activities, respond to drama, energy and emotion. Thus, to encourage those people to follow health advice, health promotions can be designed to incorporate those factors. An example of this was the campaign SENTAR which aimed to reduce cannabis use among high sensation-seeking teenagers. By creating a suitable television advert, they successfully engaged these youths and reduced their recreational drug use. Of course, this approach isn’t always possible. It is often impractical and expensive to create several versions of a campaign to reach different personality types. However, recent developments in computer technology, cookies and targeted advertising may allow this approach to be used more in future. Personality could also be considered when sending messages, information and guidance to specific patients. Already, health information is usually available in various forms – printed, digital, audio, and so on – to be suitable and accessible for different users, such as the blind, the elderly, and people with reading difficulties. Research has also shown that, by identifying different patients’ motivations for treatment and then corresponding with them in a way that reflects their motivations, patients will become more involved in their treatment, compared to when the same messages are sent to everyone. Correspondence could, therefore, be adapted to reflect patients’ personality type, too. For example, less conscientious people could be sent phone reminders to attend appointments. So far, there has been very little research into the effectiveness of tailoring health guidance according to personality, so this area deserves further study. Until now, the focus of personality – health research has been to explore the link between personality and health and has had very little practical application. Thus, health workers have not engaged deeply with it. However, by suggesting, trialing and implementing practices to engage patients with different personalities, the relationship between psychology researchers and health workers could improve, along with the health of the general public. 1. Who is the article most likely aimed at? A. psychologists B. patients at a clinic C. neurotic people D. health workers outside psychology 6
  7. 2. What is the main idea of the article? Research into the link between Health and Personality ___ A. has shown that sensation-seeking individuals often risk their health. B. should be carried out by both clinicians and psychologists. C. has not been studied in great depth until recently. D. can be practically applied to improve public health. 3. Which of these is NOT a reason why clinicians do not currently consider personality in their approach to healthcare? A. They consider it their duty to treat all patients equally. B. They think the effect on a patient’s health will be hardly noticeable. C. They lack sufficient training in psychology. D. They doubt whether a person’s personality directly affects their health. 4. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ___. A. understanding of personality B. patients C. health workers D. services 5. What can be concluded from the text about neurotic patients? A. They are at greater risk from early death than non-neurotic patients. B. There is no consistent link between a patient’s level of neurosis and their health. C. Their neurosis protects them from becoming sick. D. They are more likely than non-neurotic patients to report illness. 6. It can be inferred that the campaign SENTAR ___ A. used drama and energy in its design. B. failed to reduce cannabis use among teenagers. C. was designed to attract conscientious, high sensation-seeking teenagers. D. was delivered across multiple media, including television and online. 7. The writer believes that improving computer technology___ A. will affect the number of high sensation-seeking people in the population. B. can help psychologists better understand the link between personality and health. C. will ensure that more people are aware of public health campaigns. D. can help health workers deliver appropriate messages to different types of people. 8. The word “recreational” in paragraph 3 most nearly means ___. A. enjoyable B. amusing C. stimulating D. comical 9. In paragraph 4, the writer refers to a study that found that___ A. phone reminders ensure that unconscientious patients attend appointments. B. adapting letter-writing style can encourage patients with different goals to participate. C. information in audio form helps blind people to access health information. D. adapting correspondence to suit different personalities can have a positive impact on health. 10. In the final paragraph, what does the writer advise researchers in health/personality to do? A. Talk directly to the general public. B. Explore the link between personality and health. C. Give more practical suggestions to health workers. D. Do more research before giving advice to health workers. Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7
  8. Part 4. (20 pts) Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow. Follow your nose A. Aromatherapy is the most widely used complementary therapy in the National Health Service, and doctors use it most often for treating dementia. For elderly patients who have difficulty interacting verbally, and to whom conventional medicine has little to offer, aromatherapy can bring benefits in terms of better sleep, improved motivation, and less disturbed behaviour. So the thinking goes. But last year, a systematic review of health care databases found almost no evidence that aromatherapy is effective in the treatment of dementia. Other findings suggest that aromatherapy works only if you believe it will. In fact, the only research that has unequivocally shown it to have an effect has been carried out on animals. B. Behavioural studies have consistently shown that odours elicit emotional memories far more readily than other sensory cues. And earlier this year, Rachel Herz, of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, and colleagues peered into people’s heads using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to corroborate that. They scanned the brains of five women while they either looked at a photo of a bottle of perfume that evoked a pleasant memory for them, or smelled that perfume. One woman, for instance, remembered how as a child living in Paris – she would watch with excitement as her mother dressed to go out and sprayed herself with that perfume. The women themselves described the perfume as far more evocative than the photo, and Herz and co-workers found that the scent did indeed activate the amygdala and other brain regions associated with emotion processing far more strongly than the photograph. But the interesting thing was that the memory itself was no better recalled by the odour than by the picture. “People don’t remember any more detail or with any more clarity when the memory is recalled with an odour,” she says. “However, with the odour, you have this intense emotional feeling that’s really visceral.” C. That’s hardly surprising, Herz thinks, given how the brain has evolved. “The way I like to think about it is that emotion and olfaction are essentially the same things,” she says. “The part of the brain that controls emotion literally grew out of the part of the brain that controls smell.” That, she says, probably explains why memories for odours that are associated with intense emotions are so strongly entrenched in us, because the smell was initially a survival skill: a signal to approach or to avoid. D. Eric Vermetten, a psychiatrist at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, says that doctors have long known about the potential of smells to act as traumatic reminders, but the evidence has been largely anecdotal. Last year, he and others set out to document it by describing three cases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in which patients reported either that a certain smell triggered their flashbacks, or that smell was a feature of the flashback itself. The researchers concluded that odours could be made use of in exposure therapy, or for reconditioning patients’ fear responses. E. After Vermetten presented his findings at a conference, doctors in the audience told him how they had turned this association around and put it to good use. PTSD patients often undergo group therapy, but the therapy itself can expose them to traumatic reminders. “Some clinicians put a strip of vanilla or a strong, pleasant, everyday odorant such as coffee under their patients’ noses, so that they have this continuous olfactory stimulation,” says Vermetten. So armed, the patients seem to be better protected against flashbacks. It’s purely anecdotal, and nobody knows what’s happening in the brain, says Vermetten, but it’s possible that the neural pathways by which the odour elicits the pleasant, everyday memory override the fear-conditioned neural pathways that respond to verbal cues. F. According to Herz, the therapeutic potential of odours could lie in their very unreliability. She has shown with her perfume-bottle experiment that they don’t guarantee any better recall, even if the memories they elicit feel more real. And there’s plenty of research to show that our noses can be tricked, because being predominantly visual and verbal creatures, we put more faith in those other modalities. In 2001, for 8
  9. instance, Gil Morrot, of the National Institute for Agronomic Research in Montpellier, tricked 54 oenology students by secretly colouring a white wine with an odourless red dye just before they were asked to describe the odours of a range of red and white wines. The students described the coloured wine using terms typically reserved for red wines. What’s more, just like experts, they used terms alluding to the wine’s redness and darkness – visual rather than olfactory qualities. Smell, the researchers concluded, cannot be separated from the other senses. G. Last July, Jay Gottfried and Ray Dolan of the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience in London took that research a step further when they tested people’s response times in naming an odour, either when presented with an image that was associated with the odour or one that was not. So, they asked them to sniff vanilla and simultaneously showed them either a picture of ice cream or of cheese, while scanning their brains in a fMRI machine. People named the smells faster when the picture showed something semantically related to them, and when that happened, a structure called the hippocampus was strongly activated. The researchers’ interpretation was that the hippocampus plays a role in integrating information from the senses – information that the brain then uses to decide what it is perceiving. Questions 1-6 The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-G. Choose the most suitable heading for paragraphs A-G from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (i-ix) in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (0) has been done for you. Please note that there are more headings than you can use. List of Headings i Remembering the past more clearly ii Bringing back painful memories iii Originally an alarm signal iv The physical effects of scent versus image v Checking unreliable evidence vi Reinforcing one sense with another vii Protection against reliving the past viii The overriding power of sight and sound ix Conflicting views 0. Paragraph A __ix___ 1. Paragraph B ___ 2. Paragraph C ___ 3. Paragraph D ___ 4. Paragraph E ___ 5. Paragraph F ___ 6. Paragraph G ___ Questions 7-10 Look at the following findings and the list of researchers. Match each finding with the correct researcher, A-D. Write the correct letter, A-D, in boxes 7-10. Please note that you may use any letter more than once. 7. Smell can trigger images of horrible events. 8. Memory cannot get sharpened by smell. 9. When people are given an odour and a picture of something to learn, they will respond more quickly in naming the smell because the stimulus is stronger when two or more senses are involved. 10. It is impossible to isolate smell from visual cues. 9
  10. A. Rachel Hertz B. Eric Vermetten C. Gil Morrot D. Jay Gottfried and Ray Dolan Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SECTION D. WRITING (60 points) Part 1. (10 pts) Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. We have had reports that the Prime Minister is making a surprise visit to Syria. The Prime Minister ___ 2. You only have a short time to do this work, so don’t waste time. You are working ___ 3. Anna failed to understand how serious her illness was until she spoke to the doctor. Not until ___ Use the word(s) given in brackets and make any necessary additions to complete a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given word(s). 4. We cannot see animals in a vast area after the forest fire. (ABSENCE) ___ 5. When the assembly line was introduced, five hundred workers were dismissed. (ADVENT) ___ Part 2: (20 pts) You are currently trying to improve your knowledge of a foreign language. You have a friend who speaks this language fluently. You have decided to write to this friend. Write a letter (80-100 words) to your friend. DO NOT write your real name and any addresses. In your letter, • explain why you want to improve your knowledge of this language • ask him/her for suggestions on how to learn more quickly • propose that you meet your friend to talk about it 10
  11. Part 3. (30 pts) Choose ONE of the following options: Option 1: Your English teacher has asked you to write a story (200-250 words) for your school story writing competition. Your story MUST begin with the following sentence: I was walking in the park when suddenly, I heard the most terrible sound Option 2: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention in school. What are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem? In about 250 words, write an essay to express your opinion on the issue. Use reasons and examples to support your position. 11
  12. ___ THE END___ 12