Cấu trúc và bài tập về câu bị động

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Nội dung text: Cấu trúc và bài tập về câu bị động

  1. CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG (passive voice) Công thức chung : S+BE+past participle(P2) I/CÁC CÔNG THỨC CỤ THỂ CỦA CÁC THÌ: 1. Đối với Hiện tại đơn giản : S + am/is/are+P2 2. Đối với Hiện tại tiếp diễn : S +am/is/are+being+P2 3. Đối với Hiện tại Hòan thành: S + have/has+been+P2 4. Đối với Quá khứ đơn giản: S + was/were+p2 5. Đối với Quá khứ tiếp diễn: S + was/were+being+P2 6. Đối với Tương lai đơn giản: S + will+be+P2 7. Đối với Tương lai gần: S + to be+going to+Be+P2 8. Đối với Tương lai hòan thành: S + will have been+P2 9. Đối với Quá khứ hoàn thành: S + had been+P2 II/THỂ BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA MODAL VERB 1/ Cấu trúc 1: S + modal Verb +Verb infinitive(Vinf) Dùng để chỉ hành động xảy ra trong hiện tại hoặc tương lai. >>> Thể bị động S+modal verb + be +P2. EX: I must do this homework. >> This homework must be done. 2/Cấu trúc 2: S + modal Verb + have +P2 Dùng để chỉ những hành động cần phải làm trong quá khứ hoặc đáng lẽ phải xảy ra nhưng không làm. Hoặc những hành động đoán biết chắc hẳn phải xảy ra trong quá khứ. >>>Bị động: S + modal Verb + have been +P2 III/ CÁC TRƯỜNG HỢP ĐẶC BIỆT: 1/ It's your duty to+Vinf >>> bị động: You're supposed to+Vinf EX: It's your duty to make tea today. >> You are supposed to make tea today. 2/ It's impossible to+Vinf >>>bị động: S + can't + be + P2 EX: It's impossible to solve this problem. >> This problem can't be solve. 3/ It's necessary to + Vinf >>> bị động: S + should/ must + be +P2 EX: It's necessary for you to type this letter. >> This letter should/ must be typed by you. 4/ Mệnh lệnh thức + Object. >>> bị động: S + should/must + be +P2. EX: Turn on the lights! >> The lights should be turned on. IV/ BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ MAKE/ LET. Công thức chủ động : S + make/ let + sb+ Vinf. >>> Bị động: S +be+ made + to + Vinf/let + Vinf. EX: My parent never let me do anything by myself. >> I'm never let to do anything by myself.
  2. V/ BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA CẤU TRÚC " NHỜ AI LÀM GÌ". Chủ động: S + have(get) + sb + (to)Vinf >>>Bị động: S + have/ get + st +done. EX: I have my father repair my bike. >> I have my bike repaired by my father. VI/ BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ ĐI SAU NÓ LÀ MỘT ĐỘNG TỪ Ở DẠNG VING. Các động từ đó như : love, like, dislike, enjoy, fancy, hate, imagine, regret, mind, admit, involve, deny, avoid etc >> Chủ động: S + V + sb +Ving. Bị động: S + V + sb/st + being + P2 EX: I like you wearing this dress. >> I like this dress being worn by you. VII/ BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA CÁC ĐỘNG TỪ TRI GIÁC( Vp verb of perception) 1/ Cấu trúc 1: S + Vp + sb + Ving. (Ai đó chứng kiến người khác làm gì và chỉ thấy 1 phần của hành động hoặc 1 hành động dand diễn ra bị 1 hành động khác xen vào) EX: Opening the door, we saw her overhearing us. 2/ Cấu trúc 2: S + Vp + sb + V. (Ai đó chứng kiến người khác làm gì từ đầu đến cuối) EX: I saw him close the door and drive his car away. NOTE: riêng các động từ : feel, find, catch thì chỉ sử dụng công thức 1. >> Bị động: S + be + P2(of Vp) + to +Vinf EX: He was seen to close the door and drive his car away. VIII/ BỊ ĐỘNG KÉP. 1/ Khi main verb ở thời HIỆN TẠI. Công thức: People/they + think/say/suppose/believe/consider/report + that + clause. >> Bị động: a/ It's + thought/said/ supposed/believed/considered/reported + that + clause ( trong đó clause = S + Vinf + O) b/ Động từ trong clause để ở thì HTDGhoặc TLĐ S + am/is/are + thought/ said/supposed + to + Vinf EX: People say that he is a good doctor. >> It's said that he is a good doctor. He is said to be a good doctor. c/ Động từ trong clause để ở thời QKDG hoặc HTHT. S + am/is/are + thought/ said/ supposed + to + have + P2. EX: People think he stole my car. >> It's thought he stole my car. He is thought to have stolen my car. 2/ Khi main verb ở thời QUÁ KHỨ. Công thức: People/they + thought/said/supposed + that + clause. >>Bị động: a/ It was + thought/ said/ supposed + that + clause. b/ Động từ trong clause để ở thì QKĐ: S + was/were + thought/ said/ supposed + to + Vinf. EX: People said that he is a good doctor. >> It was said that he is a good doctor. He was said to be a good doctor. c/ Động từ trong clause ở thì QKHT S + was/were + thought/ said/ supposed + to + have + P2. EX: They thought he was one of famous singers. >> It was thought he was one of famous singers.
  3. He was thought to be one of famous singers. IX/ BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA TÁM ĐỘNG TỪ ĐẶC BIỆT. Các động từ : suggest, require, request, order, demand, insist(on), recommend. Công thức: S + suggest/ recommend/ order/ require + that + clause. ( trong đó clause = S + Vinf + O) >> Bị động: It + was/ will be/ has been/ is + P2( of 8 verb) + that + st + be + P2. ( trong đó "be" là không đổi vì động từ trong clause ở câu chủ động ở dạng Vinf) EX: He suggested that she buy a new car. >> It was suggessted that a new car be bought. X/ BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA CẤU TRÚC CHỦ NGỮ GIẢ " IT". Công thức: It + be + adj + for sb + to do st. >>Bị động: It + be + adj + for st + to be done. EX: It is difficult for me to finish this test in one hour >> It is difficult for this test to be finished in one hour. XI/ BỊ ĐỘNG TRONG TRƯỜNG HỢP 2 TÂN NGỮ. Trong đó : Oi = Indirect Object. Od = Direct Object. Công thức: S + V + Oi + Od >>Bị động: 1/ Oi + be + P2( of V) + Od. 2/ Od + be + P2( of V) + to Oi. ( riêng động từ " buy" dùng giới từ " for" ). EX: My friend gave me a present on my birthday. >> A present was given to me by my friend on my birthday. I was given a present on my birthday by my friend. BÀI TẬP VỀ CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG EXERCISE 1: CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG BỊ ĐỘNG. 1.My father waters this flower every morning. 2.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night. 3.Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. 4.We should clean our teeth twice a day. 5.Our teachers have explained the English grammar. 6.Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city. 7.Tom will visit his parents next month. 8.The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning. 9.Did Mary this beautiful dress? 10.I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room. 11.The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War.
  4. 12.The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day. 13.Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema. 14.The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week. 15.Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum? 16.Some people will interview the new president on TV. 17.How many languages do they speak in Canada? 18.Are you going to repair those shoes? 19.He has broken his nose in a football match. 20.Have you finished the above sentences? THỂ BỊ ĐỘNG CÁC MẪU CÂU CƠ BẢN EXERCISE 2:CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG BỊ ĐỘNG. 1.The waiter brings me this dish. 2.Our friends send these postcards to us. 3.Their grandmother told them this story when they visited her last week. 4.Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother. 5.You didn’t show me the special camaras. 6.She showed her ticket to the airline agent. 7.He lends his friend his new shoes. 8.She left her relatives five million pounds. 9.The shop assistant handed these boxes to the customer. 10.The board awarded the first prize to the reporter. 11.Have you sent the christmas cards to your family? 12.The committee appointed Alice secretary for the meeting. 13.He hides the broken cup in the drawer. 14.They keep this room tidy all the time. 15.They all voted the party a great success. 16.We gave Ann some bananas and some flowers. 17.They moved the fridge into the living room. 18.She bought some cups of tea to the visitors in the next room. 19.They find the new project worthless. 20.The secretary didn’t take the note to the manager. THỂ BỊ ĐỘNG CÁC ĐỘNG TỪ TƯỜNG THUẬT
  5. EXERCISE 3:CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG BỊ ĐỘNG. 1.They told me that you were the best architect in this city. 2.She reported that the flowers were killed by frost. 3.Some people inform me that the director is going to take a business trip to England. 4.That officer announced that the meeting was delayed until next week. 5.He discovered that this cotton was grown in Egypt. 6.They promise that the performance will start on time. 7.He recommends that we should stay at the city center. 8.We believed that Alice would pass the driving test. 9.The director notifies all the workers that they will have to work extra hard this month. 10.They have persuaded me that they will go with me to the stadium. 11.They have decided that the company will go to the beach together at the weekend. 12.People think that Maradona is the best football player in the 20th century. 13.They find that the job is not suitable for a girl like her. 14.The teacher explained that this powerful engine pulled the train. 15.He told me that his football team had played well last season. BỊ ĐỘNG VỚI NHỮNG ĐỘNG TỪ SAI BẢO. EXERCISE 4:CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG BỊ ĐỘNG. 1.I had my nephew paint the gate last week. 2.She will have Peter wash her car tomorrow. 3.They have her tell the story again. 4.John gets his sister to clean his shirt. 5.Anne had had a friend type her composition. 6.Rick will have a barber cut his hair. 7.I will get the dressmaker to make a new dress. 8.He had a mechanic repair his car. 9.She often gets the technician to maintain the heater. 10.They had the police arrest the shoplifter. 11.Are you going to have the shoemaker repair your shoes? 12.I must have the dentist check my teeth. 13.She will have a veterinary surgeon examine her dog. 14.We had a man take this photograph when we were on holiday last summer.
  6. 15.The Greens had a carpet cleaner clean their carpet. EXERCISE 5. CHỌN PHƯƠNG ÁN TRẢ LỜI ĐÚNG NHẤT: 1. The photos in a London studio last week. A. were taken B. have taken C. was taken D. have been taken 2. The car by my father yesterday. A. were washed B. was washed C. washed D. has been washed 3. When the boy the car he was badly injured. A. is hit by B. was hit by C. hit D. was hitting 4. The new motorway and built last year. A. planned B. was planned C. was planning D. had planned 5. Many mistakes made. A. has been just B. have just been C. is just D. to be just 6. His father gave him a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. A. He is given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. B. He was given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. C. He had been given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. D. He has been given a very expensive cell phone on his last birthday. 7. What will happen if the air ? A. was polluted B. be polluted C. is polluted D. has polluted 8. They are building a new zoo near my village. A. A new zoo is being built near my village. B. A new zoo will be built near my village. C. A new zoo is built near my village. D. A new zoo is being building near my village. 9. Most forests in other climatic areas by human beings. A. had already been affected B. have already been affecting C. have already affected D. have already been affected 10. The passage ___ out loud. A. has been read B. have been read C. have been readed D.has read 11. The parcel ___ to him before his birthday. A. will be sent B. will be sented C. will be send D. will been sent
  7. 12. The first question must ___ before you attempt the others. A. have answer B. answer C. to answer D. be answered 13. Is the new computer system ___ next month? A. being installed by people B. be installed C. being installed D. been installed 14. My bank loan ___ in five years time. A. will be payed off B. will be paid off C. will be paying off D. will paid off 15. ___ to you yet? A. Have the books been given back B. Have the book been give back C. Have the book been gave back D. Have the book being given back 16. The Prime Minister is believed ___ tomorrow. A. will resign B. to resign C. to be resigning D. to have resighed 17. These mechanics are going to repair our car this afternoon. A. Our car are going to be repaired by these mechanics this afternoon. B. Our car is going to repair these mechanics this afternoon. C. We are going to get these mechanics repair our car this afternoon. D. We are going to get our car repaired by these mechanics this afternoon 18. People think that the company is planning a new advertising campaign. A. The company is thought to be planning a new advertising campaign. B. The company is thought to have planning a new advertising campaign. C. The company was thought to plan a new advertising campaign. D. The company was thought to be planning a new advertising campaign. KEYS EXERCISE 1 1.This flower is watered (by my father) every morning. 2.Fiona was invented to John’s birthday party last month. 3.The dinner is being prepared (by her mother) in the kitchen. 4.Our teeth should be cleaned twice a day. 5.The English grammar has been explained (by our teacher). 6.The accident was caused in this city (by some drunk drivers). 7.Tom’s parents will be visited (by him) next month. 8.The secretary wasn’t phoned (by the manager) this morning. 9.Was this beautiful dress bought by Mary? 10.These old pictures won’t be hung in the living room(by me).
  8. 11.This factory wasn’t built (by the Greens) during the Second World War. 12.This house and these cars are going to be painted for Chrismas day by the Greens. 13.The cats had been fed (by Ann) before she went to the cinema. 14.The pollution problems have been discussed (by the students) since last week. 15.Has the most valuable painting in the national meseum been stlen (by the thieves). 16.The new president will be interviewed on TV (by tsome people). 17.How many languages are spoken in Canada(by them)? 18.Are those shoes going to be repaired ? 19.His nose has been broken in a football match(by him). 20.Have above sentences been finished ? EXERCISE 2. 1.This dish is brought to me (by the waiter). 2.These postcards are sent to us(by our friend). 3.This story was told to them(by their grandmother) when they visited her last week. 4.This train ticket was ordered for Tim’s mother. 5.The special cameras weren’t showed to me. 6.Her ticket was showed to the airline agent(by her). 7.His new shoes are lent to his friends(by him). 8.Five million pounds was left to her relatives (by her). 9.These boxes were handed to the customer (by the shop assistant). 10.The first prize was awarded to the reporter (by the board). 11.Have the christmas cards been sent to your family? 12.Alice was appointed secretary for the meeting(by the committee). 13.The broken cup is hidden in the drawer (by him). 14.This room is kept tidy (by them) all the time. 15.The party was voted a great success(by them). 16.Ann was given some bananas and some flowers(by us). 17.The fridge was moved into the living room(by them). 18.Some cups of tea were brought to the visitors in the next room (by her). 19.The new project is found worthless. 20.The note wasn’t taken to the manager(by the secretary). EXERCISE 3
  9. 1.I was told that you were the architect in this city. 2.It was reported that the flowers were killed by frost./ The flowers were reported to be killed by frost. 3.I am informed that the director is going to take a business trip to England. 4.It was announced that the meeting was delayed until next week. 5.It was discovered that this cotton was grown in Egypt. 6.It is promised that the performance will start on time. 7.It is recommended that we should stay at the city center. 8.It was believed that Alice would pass the driving test./ Alice was believed to pass the driving test. 9.All the workers are notified that they will have to work extra hard this month. 10.I have been persuaded that they will go with me to the stadium. 11.It has been decided that the company will go to the beach together at the weekend. 12.It is thought that Maradona is the best football player in the 20th century./ Maradona is thought to be the best football player in the 20th century. 13.It is found that the job is not suitable for a girl like her./ The job is found to be not suitable for a girl like her. 14.It was explained that this powerful engine pulled the train. 15.I was told that his football team had played well last season. EXERCISE 4 1.I had the gate painted last week. 2.She will have her car washed tomorrow. 3.They have the story told again. 4.John gets his shirt cleaned. 5.Anne has had her composition typed. 6.Rick will have his hair cut. 7.I will get a new dress made. 8.He had his car repaired. 9.She often gets the heater maitained. 10.They had the shoplifter arrested. 11.Are you going to have your shoes repaired? 12.I must have my teeth checked. 13.She will have her dog examined. 14.We had this photograph taken when we were on holiday last summer.
  10. 15.The Greens had their carpet cleaned. EXERCISE 5 1A,2B,3B,4B,5B,6B,7C,8A,9D,10A,11A,12D,13C,14B,15A,16B,17A,18A THE END