Tài liệu hướng dẫn ôn thi vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh

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  2. PRACTICE TEST 1 I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others’. 1. A. recognise B. appearance C. disclaimer D. successful 2. A. appreciate B. associate C. authority D. necessary 3. A. recorder B. nominate C. addition D. important 4. A. oversea B. volunteer C. discover D. engineer 5. A. invasion B. foundation C. government D. investment II. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences. 6. At school Jane had a good academic record, and also at sports. A. excelled B. surpassed C. achieved D. fulfilled 7. The criminal was sentenced to death because of of his crime. A. the severity B. the complexity C. a punishment D. the importance 8. The state laws limit the speed motorists are permitted to drive. A. which B. at which C. that D. where 9. Stricter anti-pollution laws can higher prices for consumers. A. make B. result from C. be due to D. lead to 10. Three quarters of the day in idleness. A. was spent B. were spent C. was going D. were taking 11. Only when you become a parent what true responsibility is. A. you will understand B. will you understand Giaoandet hitie nganh.info C. you understand D. don’t you understand 12. When the police investigate a crime, they evidence such as fingerprints, hair, or clothing. A. look after B. look for C. look up for D. look into 13. Prices are rising quickly everywhere. The seems to go up every day. A. standard of living B. quality of life C. annual income D. cost of living 14. A person of age may suffer from defects of vision.
  3. A. every B. certain C. some D. any 15. Put all the toys away someone slips and falls on them. A. provided that B. unless C. in case D. so long as 16 on the bus the other day, I bumped into Alice. A. Travelling B. Having travelled C. I was travelling D. When I fravelled 17. “Do you your new roommate, or do you two argue? A. get used to B. on good terms with C. keep in touch with D. get along with 18. Children must be taught to between right and wrong. A. distinguishable B. distinguishing C. distinguished D. distinguish 19. Tom had a lucky escape. He killed. A. could have been B.must have been C. should have been D. had been 20. I’d rather you too much time surfing the Internet. A. not spend B. not to spend C. didn’t spend D. don’t spend 21 .Don’t to conclusions; we don’t yet know all the relevant facts. A. run B. jump C. rush D. hurry 22. Tom things round the house, which is annoying. A. is always leaving B. has always left C. is leaving D. always leaves 23. Only three of the students in my class are girls; are all boys. A. others B. other students C. the others D. the other 24. your motorbike broke down in the desert, would you be able to mend it yourself? A. Provided that B. Supposing C. In case D. Given 25. If Lucy’s car down, she would be here by now. A. didn’t break B. hadn’t broken C. wouldn’t have broken D. doesn’t break 26. Neither Jim nor his brothers to school. Their father teaches them at home. A. have never been B. has ever been C. have ever been D. ever go 27. It’s too late now that the holiday’s over, but I wish we somewhere else. A. went B. have gone C. were going D. had gone
  4. 28. “It’s so noisy here. Let’s go somewhere else, ?” A. will we B. shall we C. aren’t we D. do we 29. Is English the most popular language in the world? A. be spoken B. to speak C. to be spoken D. speaking 30. “Will you on my dog while I go to the canteen?” A. give B. keep an eye C. watch D. take care III. Choose the underlined word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs to be corrected. 31. After he had researched his paper and wrote it, he found some additional data that he should have included. A B C D 32. Because of the light, the city looked differently from the way that I had remembered it. A B C D 33. While the wife tasted all of the main courses, her husband started to prepare the desserts. A B C D 34. Tom likes to gossip about other people, so he doesn’t like them to gossip about him. A B C D 35. Have a headache, an upset stomach, and a bad case of sunburn did not put me in a good mood for the evening. A B C D 36. Most young people prefer the city, as there wasn’t many to do in the country. A B C D 37. In order to do a profit the new leisure centre needs at least 2.000 visitors a month. A B C D 38. ‘Would you rather came in the morning or the afternoon?’ A B C D 39. Everyone ought to know the basic steps that follow in case of an emergency. A B C D 40. It announced today that an enquiry would be held into the collapse of a high-rise apartment block in A B C D Kuala Lumpur last week. Giaoande thi tienganh.info
  5. 41. Some of the earth’s most valuable resources are found in only few places. A B C D 42. Not until I was on my way to die airport that I realised I had left my passport at home. A B C D 43. There are less infectious diseases these days thanks to medical advances. A B C D 44. A number of tourists is going to return the evaluation form distributed by the fravel agent. A B C D 45. The film was a bit boring but at the end, the main characters had a happy ending. A B C D IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming back to an emnty house. Some deal with the situation by watching TV. Some may hide. But all of them have something in common. They spend part of each day alone. They are called “latchkey children”. They are children who look after themselves while their parents work. And their bad condition has become a subject of concern. Lynette Long was once the principal of an elementary school. She said, “We had a school rule against wearing jewelry. A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys attached. I was constantly telling them to put the keys inside shirts. There were so many keys; it never came to' my mind what they meant.” Slowly, she learned that they were house keys. She and her husband began talking to the children who had keys. They learned of the effect working couples and single parents were having on their children. Fear was the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. One in three latchkey children the Longs talked to reported being frightened. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safety. The most common way latchkey children deal with their fears is, by hiding. They may hide in a shower stall, under a bed or in a closet. The second is TV. They often turn the volume up. It’s hard to get statistics on latchkey children, the Longs have learned. Most parents are slow to admit that they leave their children alone. 46. The phrase "an empty house” in the passage mostly means A. a house with nothing inside B. a house with no people inside C. a house with too much space
  6. D. a house with no furniture 47. One thing that the children in the passage share is that A. they all watch TV Giaoande thitie nganh.info B. they all wear jewelry C. they spend part of each day alone D. they are from single-parent families 48. The phrase “latchkey children" in the passage means children who A. look after themselves while their parents are not at home B. close doors with keys and watch TV by themselves C. are locked inside houses with latches and keys D. like to carry latches and keys with them everywhere 49. What is the most common way for latchkey children to deal with fears? A. Talking to the Longs B. Hiding somewhere C. Lying under a TV D. Having a shower 50. It's difficult to find out the number of latchkey children because A. they hide themselves in shower stalls or under beds B. they do not give information about themselves for safety reasons C. there are too many of them in the whole country D. most parents are reluctant to admit that they leave their children alone V. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each numbered space. SCHOOL LUNCH Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat (51) in the middle of the day. In Britain schools have to (52) meals at lunchtime. Children can (53) to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen. One shocking (54) of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents. There are strict (55) for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one (56) of fruit and one of vegetables, as well as meat, a daừy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes (57) by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bars. Children (58) twice as much as they should at lunchtime.
  7. The researcher will provide a better (59) of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has (60) in the last decade. Unfortunately, the government cannot (61) parents, but it can remind them of the (62) value of milk, fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children’s diet can (63) their future health. Children can easily develop bad eating (64) at this age, and parents are the only ones who can (65) it. 51. A. appropriately B. properly C. probably D. possibly 52. A. give B. provide C. make D. do 53. A. prefer B. manage C. want D.choose 54. A. finding B. number C. figure D. factor 55. A. standards B. procedures C. conditions D. ways 56. A. piece B. portion C. bowl D. kilo 57. A. examined B. found C. taken D. investigated 58. A. take B. contain C. consume D. consist 59. A. understanding B. knowledge C. view D. opinion 60. A. increased B. expanded C. extended D. added 61. A. criticise B. instruct C. order D. tell 62. A. nutritional B. healthy C. positive D. good 63. A. damage B. predict C. destroy D. affect 64. A. behaviours B. styles C. attitudes D. habits 65. A. prevent B. define C. decide D. delay V. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. One of the most popular foods around the world today is pizza. Pizza restaurants are popular everywhere from Beijing to Moscow to Rio, and even in the United States, the home of the hamburger, there are more pizza restaurants than hamburger places. This worldwide love for pizza is a fairly recent phenomenon. Before the 1950s, pizza was a purely Italian food, with a long history in southern Italy. The origins of pizza are somewhat uncertain, though they may go back to the Greeks (pita bread) or even earlier. Under the Roman Empire, Italians often ate flat cừcles of bread, which they may have flavored with olive oil, cheese, and herbs. By about the year 1000 A.D. in the area around Naples, this bread had a name: picea. This early kind of pizza lacked one of the main ingredients we associate with pizza: the tomato. In fact, tomatoes did not exist in Europe until the sixteenth century, when Spanish explorers bought them back from South America. The Spanish showed little interest in tomatoes, but southern Italians soon began to cultivate them and use them in cooking. At some point in the 1600s, Neapolitan tomatoes were added to pizza, as it was known by then. Giaoande thitienga nh.info
  8. 66. The information that pizza restaurants can be found everywhere from Beijing to Moscow, to Rio and in the United States is given in the passage to A. illustrate the popularity of pizza B. show the limited market of pizza C. emphasize the dominance of pizza over hamburgers D. indicate that the hamburger market has been reduced 67. The author says that the love for pizza A. just stalled a few decades ago B. has a long history C. is quite new D. started first in Rome 68. The origin of pizza is A. confirmed B. thought to begin in the 1950s C. well-known D. uncertain 69. The early version of pizza in Naples A. did not have a name B. had a Greek name C. did not have tomato D. lacked many main ingredients 70. The Spanish at first A. added tomatoes to pizza in the 1600s B. knew tomatoes from Europe C. grew tomatoes in farms D. were not much keen on tomatoes VII. Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to the sentence given.
  9. 71. He survived the operation thanks to the skilful surgeon. A. He survived because he was a skilful surgeon. B. There was no skilful surgeon, so he died. C. He wouldn’t have survived the operation without the skilful surgeon. D. Though the surgeon was skilful, he couldn’t survive the operation. 72. “You should have finished the report by now, ” John told his secretary. A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report. B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report. C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time. D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report. 73. The film didn’t come up to my expectations. A. I expected the film to end more abruptly. B. I expected the film to be more boring. C. The film was as good as I expected. D. The film fell short of my expectations. 74. Unless someone has a key, we cannot get into the house. A. We could not get into the house if someone had a key. B. If someone does not have a key, we can only get into the house, C. We can only get into the house if someone has a key. D. If someone did not have a key, we could not get into the house. 75. There ’s no point in persuading Jane to change her mind. A. Jane will change her mind though she doesn’t want to. B. It’s useless to persuade Jane to change her mind. C. It’s possible for US to persuade Jane to change her mind. D. No one wants Jane to change her mind because it’s pointless. 76. She knows a lot more about it than I do. A. I know as much about it as she does.
  10. B. I do not know as much about it as she does. C. She does not know so much about it as I do. D. I know much more about it than she does. 77. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago. A. He had tested his eyes ten months before. B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then. C. He hasn’t had his eyes tested for ten months. D. He didn’t have any test on his eyes in ten months. 78. No sooner had she put the telephone down than her boss rang back. A. As soon as her boss rang back, she put down the telephone. B. Scarcely had she put the telephone down when her boss rang back, C. She had hardly put the telephone down without her boss ringing back. D. Hardly she had hung up, she rang her boss immediately. 79. David drove so fast; it was very dangerous. A. David drove so fast, which was very dangerous. B. David drove so fast, then was very dangerous. C. David drove so fast that was very dangerous. D. David drove so fast and was very dangerous. 80. We ’ve run out of tea. A. We didn’t have any tea. B. We have to run out to buy some tea. C. There’s not much more tea left. D. There’s no tea left. Gi aoande thitie nganh.inf o PRACTICE 2 I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others’.
  11. l. A. reasonable B. responsible C. thousand D. because 2. A. typical B. systematic C. psychology D. mystery 3. A. abundant B. overhand C. attendance D. voluntary 4. A.energy B. strongest C. garbage D. guidance 5. A. discovery B. government C. brotherly D. location II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others’. 6. A. colour B. salvage C. saloon D. peasant 7. A. indistinct B. indulgence C. volunteer D. inductee 8. A. elephant B. donation C. disorder D. civilian 9. A. clerical B. actually C. belongings D. Italy 10. A. isolation B. escalate C. parliament D. runaway III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. One day in 1848 a carpenter called Marshall, who worked in a saw mill on the American River in California, made a remarkable discovery. He noticed some bright yellow particles in the water, bent down to pick them up and took them to his partner, Mr. Sutter. This was the beginning of the Californian Gold Rush. Sutter was a Swiss who had come to America some years earlier to make his fortune. The Governor of California had given him permission to found a settlement in the Sacramento Valley and his determination and energy had made him rich. He had built the mill in partnership with Marshall in order to make use of the abundant natural fresources of his land. Sutter realized the importance of the discovery and decided to file a claim so that his right to the gold would be established. So he sent a man named Bennet to San Francisco to see the Governor. He warned Bennet not to tell anyone in case people came to the valley before his claim was recognised. Bennet could not keep secret but the people of San Francisco did not believe him at first. Then the editor of a weekly newspaper there, Sam Brannan, went to Sutter’s mill to make a report. When he came back he ran through the streets of the town shouting ‘Gold! Gold!’Within a month almost the entire population, then only 800 people, had gone to look for the precious metal. Soldiers deserted the army, sailors left their ships and men gave up their jobs so as not to miss the chance of becoming rich. Giaoandethit ienga nh.info The news spread across America to Europe and thousands of people joined in the search. Those who went by ship had to sail round Cape Horn to reach California but some chose the overland route across America and wagon trains were formed for travellers to make the journey. Even then there were some who were prepared to cross the terrible desert of Death Valley in order to reach the gold a few days before the rest The Gold Rush proved a disaster for Sutter himself. For years he tried to evict the prospectors from his property so that his family might enjoy the wealth of his land, but his busmess was ruined. The prospectors
  12. did a great deal of damage, and killed one of his sons, and at the end of his life he was a poor man who continually stopped people in the street to tell them that Gold is the Devil. 11. The story took place A. in the 19th century B. After World War I C. during World War I D. in the 18th century 12. Who was Marshall? A. A Swiss B. A carpenter C. The Governor of California D. A newspaper reporter 13. How did Marshall learn about the gold? A. He found it in the water by accident. B. His partner told him about it. C. He found it when he was in Sacramento Valley to try his luck. D. He got the information from a newspaper. 14. During the period of the Californian Gold Rush . A. Sutter went to California to make his fortune B. Marshall built up a mill on the American River C. Bennet was sent to San Francisco to see the Governor D. Sam Brannan sent a reporter to Sacramento 15. Sutter became rich A. when he found gold B. before he found gold C. before he came to California D. in San Francisco 16. When Bennet told people there was gold in the Sacramento Valley, A. people rushed there immediately to look for gold B. they did not believe him C. Marshall was angry and fired him D. he was punished for not keeping the secret 17. What was the population of San Francisco when the Gold Rush started?
  13. A. 180 families B. 200 families C. 800 people D. 1,800 people 18. How did people make the journey to California at that time? A. They sailed round Cape Hom and then crossed the desert of Death Valley. B. They crossed America by ưain. C. They travelled across America on wagon trains. D. All of the above. 19. Sutter didn’t enjoy the wealth of his land because A. he failed to get helping hands B. he was denied the right to the gold C. all his sbns were killed D. his business was ruined 20. What do you think the story told us? A. How to make a fortune with this precious metal B. How gold was discovered in California C. Gold does not always lead to happiness D. Why some people do not like gold IV. Read tile following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each numbered space. Without transportation, our modem society could not (21) We would have no metal, no coal and no oil, nor would we have any (22) made from these materials. (23) , we would have to spend most of our time (24) food and food would be (25) to the kinds that could grow in the climate and soil of our neighborhoods. Transportation also (26) our lives in other ways. Transportation can speed a doctor to the (27) of a sick person, even if the patient lives on an isolated farm. It can take police to the (28) of a crime within moments of being notified. Transportation (29) teams of athletes to compete in national and international sports contests. In time of (30) transportation can rush aid to persons in areas stricken by floods, famines and earthquakes. 21. A. exist B. happen C. take place D. establish 22. A. production B. products C. productivity D. producers
  14. 23. A. Even B. However C. Although D. Besides 24. A. buying B. taking C. raising D. paying 25. A. limited B. related C. focused D. connected 26. A. makes B. affects C. influences D. effects 27. A. part B. way C. body D. side 28. A. scene B. location C. place D. site 29. A. brings B. gets C. enables D. fetches 30. A. problems B. wars C. accidents D. disasters V. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences. 31. The price of petrol went up only a few days after the official denial that an increase in the price of petrol. A. there would be B. there would have C. there is D. had 32. Tom missed the train so as to go fishing on his own. A. intensively B. deliberately C. decisively D. objectively 33. Pride often makes us think and feel that we are A. meticulous B. applicable C. superior D. inferior 34. You should not reveal something that has been told you A. in tears B. in a word C. in case D. in secret 35. Paul sold everything he owned and went to live in Tahiti. Without warning, A. off the cuff B. out of the blue C. like a flash in the pan D. once in a blue moon 36. It’s your own fault. You them to go out on their own; they are still new here. A. mustn’t have allowed B. can’t allow C. shouldn’t allow D. shouldn’t have allowed 37. , the young woman was visibly very happy after the birth of her child. A. Despite tired B. Though tired C. Tired although she was D. She was tired 38. On a cold winter’s evening, there’s nothing nicer than to sit in front of a fire.
  15. A. roaring B. sparkling C. burning D. glittering 39. The 15 banks were likely to about $530 million of the bad assets. A. turn off B. write off C. take off D. show off 40. of the two restaurants provides facilities for the handicapped. A. Both B. None C. Neither D. Not either VI. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each of the spaces in the following passage. A growing world population and the (41. DISCOVER) of science may alter this pattern in the future. As men slowly learn to master diseases, control floods, prevent famines, and stop wars, fewer people die every year; and in (42. CONSEQUENTIALLY) the population of the world is (43. STEADY) increasing. In 1925 there were about 2.000 million people in the world. By the end of the century there may well be over 4.000 million. When numbers rise the extra mouths must be fed. New lands must be brought under (44. CULTIVATE) , or land already fanned made to yield larger crops. In some areas the (45. ACCESS) land is largely so (46. INTENSE) cultivated that it will be difficult to make it provide more food. In some areas the population is so dense that the land is parceled out in units too tiny to allow for much (47. IMPROVE) in farming methods. Were a large part of this (48. FARM) population drawn off into industrial (49. OCCUPY) , the land might be farmed much more (50. PRODUCE) by modem methods. VII. Insert in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word to complete the following passage. One of the worst journeys I have ever experienced occurred a few weeks ago. I had (51) a cheap flight to Switzerland so the ticket could not be changed in any way. If I (52) the flight, I would not be entitled to (53) the ticket for any alternative journey. (54) I reached the railway station, I was told that unfortunately the ưains were running late; this meant I would miss the connecting train for the airport. A loudspeaker announcement helpfully advised us that an extra train would be provided, (55) we need not worry. Nothing could have been further from the truth. The extra train did not (56) I inquired about buses, but the last (57) for the airport had left! There was only one solution; I decided to (58) a taxi. Dragging my suitcases behind me I hurried outside and found a taxi. ’It’s a long way. It'll (59) you a lot.' the taxi driver warned me. I knew that, but the taxi (60) would be cheaper having to buy another plane ticket. VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one, using the word provided. You must use between TWO and FIVE words, including the word given. Do not change the word given.
  16. 61. Michael laughed when I told him the joke. I The joke that made him laugh. 62. John could not find the right house. FIND John was the right house. 63. I don’t really want to see her in hospital. HER I’d rather in hospital. 64. Susan regretted buying the second-hand car. BOUGHT Susan wished the second-hand car. 65. The judges had never seen a prettier flower display. FLOWER It was that the judges had ever seen 66. Although he took a taxi, Peter still arrived late for the meeting. TAXI In spite , Peter still arrived late for the meeting. 67. “ Why don’t you open a bank account?” SHOULD My friend open a bank account 68. How old do you think is this house? WAS When do you built? 69. My friend didn’t leave the car keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the bus station. LEFT If my friend , I could have picked him up at the bus station. 70. She didn’t realize the man was her relative until she saw his photograph. SAW It was only when she she realized he was her relative. IX. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, beginning with the word(s) given. 71. "Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Barry?” said John. John 72. It is essential that Professor Van Helsing is met at the airport. Professor Van Helsing 73. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.
  17. My French friend isn’t 74. The shop repaired the refrigerator for my sister last week. My sister 75. He hasn’t ridden a horse before. It’s 76. I would prefer you not to talk loudly in here. I’d rather 77. She wants someone to make her a new dress. She wants to have 78. The British have just recalled their ambassador. The British ambassador 79. We really ought to go home now. It’s time 80. Something must be done quickly to solve the problem of homelessness. Urgent measures X. (81-100) Write a paragraph of about 100 - 150 words on the following topic. There are many advantages of knowing foreign languages. PRACTICE TEST 3 I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others’. 1. A. primitive B. material C. distinguish D. acquaintance 2. A. extensive B. linguistics C. pioneer D. volcanic 3. A. environment B. profitable C. temperature D. ordinary 4. A. differ B. chopstick C. household D. prefer 5. A. order B. publish C. website D. pollute II. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each following sentences. 6. “Who was the first person the North Pole?
  18. A. reaching B. reached C. to reach D. to reaching 7. Alison would earn $ 30,000 a year, she to be offered the job. A. should B. were C. would D. can 8. It is highly desirable that every effort made to reduce expenditure. A. to be B. is C. was D. be 9. What you’ve said is wrong, ? A. haven’t you B. isn’t it C. aren’t you D. hasn’t it 10. Lack of funds prevented him with his study. A. to continue B. be continued C. continue D. continuing 11. Don’t worry about it. You told if there is a change of plan. A. would have been B. are C. would be D. were 12. He have watered the plants. If he had, they wouldn’t have withered. A. needn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. mayn’t 13. Those entered the contest will have a chance of winning a trip to Nha Trang. A. who B.whom C. which D. whose 14. My parents rarely have meal for breakfast and A. so do I B. neither do I C. I do, too D. I do either 15. After Nancy for forty minutes, she began to feel tired. A. had been jogging B. has jogging C. has been jogging D. is jogging 16. The teacher accompanied by a crowd of students entering the lab at the moment. A. will be B. is C. are D. shall be 17. The Oxford dictionary costs the romantic novel. A. four times as much as B. four times more than C. four times as many as D. four times much as 18. So much that we couldn’t recognize her. A. she has changed B. she changed C. has she changed D. had she changed 19. Before electric common, European used candles as a source of artificial light.
  19. A. lightening it became B. the lightening became C. becomes the lightening D. lightening became 20. The dress didn’t fit her, she took it back to the shop where she had bought it. A. so B. however C. since D. though 21. She didn’t find learning English easy, and it was that she improved her English. A. only studying very hard B. only by studying very hard C. only with studying hard D. only studying hard later 22. The pianist played beautifully, showing a real for the music. A. feeling B. understanding C. sentiment D. sense 23. Women in some countries are still asking to be given equal with men. A. right B. status C. position D. rank 24. The fussy child ate only a few of noodles. A. slices B. strands C. bars D. pieces 25. The color yellow me of the sun. A. reminds B. shows C. brings D. tells 26. Residents were warned not to be extravagant with water, the low rainfall this year. A. in view of B. with the help of C. regardless of D. irrespective of 27. At the interview all the candidates were shown round the building but could only catch a of the sort of work being carried out. A. look B. view C. glimpse D. vision 28. Do you usually your notes before class? A. go over B. look off C. come into D. take in 29. The jokes Jacks tells are as old as A. the Earth B. the mountains C. the hills D. the oceans 30. The workers were very angry because they felt that the union leaders were A. playing with fire B. leading them by the nose C. all fingers and thumbs D. at first hand III. Choose the underlined word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs to be corrected.
  20. 31. In case it may rain this afternoon, you should take a raincoat with you. A B C D 32. Although they are two twins, they are worlds apart in their attitude to life. A B C D 33. Plants with short root systems are best suited for areas where do not receive much rainfall. A B C D 34. Currents in the South Pacific are slower than that in the North Pacific. A B C D 35. It is really irritated to talk to so stubborn a person like him. A B C D 36. What we know about certain diseases are still not sufficient to prevent them from spreading easily among the population. A B C D 37. We wish today was sunny so that we could spend the day in the countryside to communicate with nature. A B C D 38. Julia has such many things to do that she has no time to go out. A B C D 39. Our friends suggested to spend the summer holiday on an island in the Pacific Ocean. A B C D 40. In some countries, octopuses and snails are considered being delicacies to eat. A B C D 41. Men and women in the organization work with people in developing countties to help them improving their living conditions. A B C D 42. The British national anthem, calling “God Save the Queen”, was already a traditional song in the 18th century. A B C D 43. It is time the government helped the unemployment to find some jobs. A B C D 44. There weren’t chairs enough for the people attending the medical congress.
  21. A B C D 45. The test administrator ordered us not opening our books until he told us to do so. A B C D IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. Magnesium is another mineral we now obtain by collecting huge volumes of ocean water and treating it with chemicals, although originally it was derived only from brines or from the treatment of such magnesium- containing rocks as dolomite, of which whole mountain ranges are composed. In a cubic mile of seawater there are about four million tons of magnesium. Since the direct extraction method was developed about 1941, production has increased enormously. It was magnesium from the sea that possible the wartime growth of the aviation industry, for every airplane made in the United States (and in most other countries as well) contains about half a ton of magnesium metal. And it has innumerable uses in other industries where a lightweight metal is desired, besides its long, standing utility as an insulating material, and its use in printing inks, medicines, and toothpastes. 46. What is the main topic of this passage? A. Uses of seawater B. Treatment of seawater C. Chemical properties of magnesium D. Derivation and uses of magnesium 47. According to the passage, magnesium was first obtained from . A. rocks found on land B. great amounts of ocean water C. the sea floor D. major industrial sites 48. According to the passage, which of the following was a direct consequence of the new method of obtaining magnesium? A. The development of insulation materials B. Increased airplane production C. Improved medical facilities D. The development of cheap inks for printing 49. According to the passage, why is magnesium important to industry? A. It is strong. B. It conducts heat well. C. It weights little. D. It is inexpensive to produce.
  22. 50. It can be inferred from the passage that during the past fifty years the demand for magnesium has A. declined greatly B. remained stable C. increased D. risen dramatically V. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each numbered space. Every year, the village of Pettineo celebrates its unique arts festival. For a few days each summer, artists from all over Europe (51) at this village near the north coast of Sicily to (52) the creative atmosphere. During their stay, the artists get (53) with the local people to paint a one-kilometer long picture that runs the (54) of the high street. (55) the painting is done, each visiting artist joins a local family for a big lunch and, (56) the meal, the family receives the (57) of the painting that the artist has painted. As a result, (58) villagers are not rich, almost every home has at least one painting by a well-known European artist. Visitors to the village are eagerly (59) into homes to see these paintings. The festival was the (60) of Antonio Presti, a local businessman who (61) it up four years ago. Since then, Pettineo has (62) a sort of family art museum in (63) any visitor can ring a doorbell, go into a house and (64) a painting. In addition to this exhibition of paintings in people’s homes, for those who have time to spare, there is an opportunity to (65) through the display of huge sculptures in the village square. 51. A. combine B. gather C. crowd D. group 52. A. enjoy B. amuse C. entertain D. delight 53. A. together B. altogether C. jointly D. combined 54. A. area B. measure C. size D. length 55. A. Once B. Soon C. Only D. Just 56. A. in common with B. in place of C. in exchange for D. in addition to 57. A. division B. partition C. section D. region 58. A. despite B. though C. even D. since 59. A. attracted B. persuaded C. requested D. invited 60. A. idea B. image C. purpose D. thought 61. A. put B. had C. set D. got 62. A. advanced B. become C. increased D. grown 63. A. whom B. which C. where D. what 64. A. stare B. wonder C. admire D. delight
  23. 65. A. march B. step C. move D. wander VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. Past explorers have made vast contributions to our knowledge of the world today. They braved the oceans to discover the world and to bring their goods to other countries to trade. Many explorers had to overcome their fear of the unknown to travel around the world on their sailing ships. Submitting themselves to unpredictable weather conditions, each explorer either traveled further than his predecessor or tried to find a different route to already discovered countries. For example, Vasco Da Gama, a Portuguese explorer, established) a sea route from Europe to India. He had extended the sea route that Bartolomeu Dias had already done when he later sailed around the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa. More importantly, explorers first closed the gap between the east and the west by trading their local goods with foreign ones. India was known] for its spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon while China was known for its silk. A part of the east was brought to the west when western gourmets) developed a taste for eastern spices in their food. People in the east dressed in clothes that were previously only worn in the west. Without the explorers, many of us would still be living in our own enclave with little knowledge of the vast world and what other foreign countries have to offer us. 66. Past explorers contributed to our knowledge of the world by . A. making new goods B. selling their goods at high prices C. traveling to other countries D. spending time reading about foreign countries 67. Past explorers were probably fearful of A. swimming in the ocean B. the dangers that lurked in unexplored places C. being in their sailing ships for a long time D. trying to predict the weather conditions 68. Explorers who traveled to countries that others had already been to would make sure that they A. sold goods to those countries B. bought new goods from those countries C. explored new areas in the countries
  24. D. found another way of going to those countries 69. The act of selling their local goods to a foreign country allowed the explorers to A. earn more money B. think about visiting other countries as well C. grow different types of spices D. find out more about that country 70. Based on the third paragraph, the of people changed when they came into contact with foreigners. A. clothing and lifestyle B. speech and lifestyle C. clothing and jobs D. family structure and clothing VII. Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to the sentence given. 71. With six children on her hands, she ’s extremely busy. A. She’s very busy because she always carries her six children. B. Her six children’s hands always make her busy. C. With six children to look after, she’s extremely busy. D. She’s too busy to look after her six children 72. The kidnapper escaped with the money but returned the child. A. The kidnapper escaped with both the money and the child. B. The kidnapper escaped from the child, but left the money. C. The kidnapper left the child and took the money. D. The kidnapper escaped with neither the child nor the money. 73. Nobody apart from my father thought I would win the race. A. Everyone including my father thought I would win the race. B. I would win the race, which my father hadn’t thought of before. C. Nobody thought I would win the race and nor did my father.
  25. D. My father was the only person who thought I would win the race. 74. The picnic would have been nice if it hadn’t been for the ants. A. There were no ants at the picnic. B. The ants spoiled the picnic. C. The ants made the picnic nicer. D. The ants were nice at the picnic. 75. As for the money I owe you, you ’ll have to wait another week. A. I can’t pay my debt yet. B. I want the money you borrowed by next week. C. I can’t lend you the money until next week. D. Could you return my money by next week? 76. When the speaker finished, she received a big hand. A. The audience gave the speaker a hand. B. The speaker gave out her a big hand. C. The speaker finished when she got a big hand. D. The audience applauded the speaker. 77. "I didn ’t break the window,” Jim said. A. Jim refused to break the window. B. Jim pretended he didn’t break the window. C. Jim denied breaking the window. D. Jim admitted breaking the window. 78. He offered to help her with the heavy suitcase, which was kind. A. The suitcase which he offered to help her with was kind. B. It was kind of him to offer to help her with the suitcase. C. He offered to help her but the suitcase was too heavy. D. It was kind of her to allow him to help with the suitcase. 79. Their chances of success are very small.
  26. A. It’s not very likely that they will succeed. B. There is possibility that they will achieve success. C. They will certainly be very successful. D. They have no chances, so they are not successful. 80. His behavior was rather a shock to me. A. I find his behavior hardly a shock at all. B. I was taken aback by his behavior. C. His behavior took my breath away. D. I was rather displeased with his behavior. PRACTICE TEST 4 I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others’. 1. A. mountain B. southern C. ploughshare D. countenance 2. A. protects B. stops C. writes D. dreads 3. A. cholera B. chronological C. charcoal D. chorus 4. A. control B. contour C. combine D. ecology 5. A. dispensable B. sympathize C. disposable D. atmosphere II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others’. 6. A. brutality B. despairingly C. interceptor D. contemptible 7. A. similar B. familiar C. gratitude D. policy 8. A. originally B. anonymity C. generosity D. economically 9. A. fabulous B. interview C. analyst D. technician 10. A. precedent B. bankruptcy C. circumstance D. superior III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. A geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of the Earth. Since temperature rises about 1°F for every sixty feet
  27. under the Earth surface, and pressure increases with depth, water that seeps down in cracks and fissures until it reaches very hot rocks in the Earth’s interior becomes heated to temperature of approximately 290°F. Water under pressure can remain liquid at temperatures above its normal boiling point, but in a geyser, the weight of the water nearer the surface exerts so much pressure on the deeper water that the water at the bottom of the geyser reaches much higher temperatures than does the water at the top of the geyser. As the deep water becomes hotter and consequently lighter, it suddenly rises to the surface and shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water. In turn, the explosion agitates all the water in the geyser reservoir, creating further explosions. Immediately afterward, the water again flows into the underground reservoir, heating begins and the process repeats itself. In order to function, then, a geyser must have a source of heat, a reservoir where water can be stored until the temperature rises to an unstable point, an opening through which the hot water and steam càn escape, and underground channels for resupplying water after an eruption. Favourable conditions for geysers exist in regions of geologically recent volcanic activity, especially in areas of more than average precipitation. For the most part, geysers are located in three regions of the world: New Zealand, Iceland, and the Yellow National Park area of the United States. The most famous geyser in the world is Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park. Old Faithful erupts every hour, rising to a height of 125 to 170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption. Old Faithful earns its name because, unlike most geysers, it has never failed to erupt on schedule even once in eighty years of observation. 11. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? A. The Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park B. The nature of geysers C. The ratio of temperature to pressure in underground water D. Regions of geologically recent volcanic activity 12. In order for a geyser to erupt, A. hot rocks must rise to the surface of the Earth B. water must flow underground C. it must be a warm day D. the Earth must not be rugged or broken 13. The word ‘it’ in paragraph I refers to A. water B. depth C. pressure D. surface 14. As depth increases A. pressure increases but temperature does not
  28. B. temperature increases but pressure does not C. both pressure and temperature increase D. neither pressure nor temperature increases 15. Why does the author mention New Zealand and Iceland in paragraph 4? A. To compare areas of high volcanic activity. B. To describe the Yellowstone National Park. C. To provide examples of areas where geysers are located. D. To name the two regions where all geysers are found. 16. How often does Old Faithful erupt? A. Every 10 minutes B. Every 60 minutes. C. Every 125 minutes. D. Every 170 minutes. 17. The word 'expelling' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to A. heating B. discharging C. supplying D. wasting 18. What does the author mean by the statement: “Old Faithful earns its name because, unlike most geysers, it has never failed to erupt on schedule even once in eighty years of observation.”? A. Old Faithful always erupts on schedule. B. Old Faithful is usually predictable. C. Old Faithful erupts predictably like any other geysers. D. Old Faithful received its name because it has been observed for many years. 19. The word 'precipitation’ in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to A. the amount of steam B. the amount of rain C. humidity D. heat 20. According to the passage, what is required for a geyser to function? A. A source of heat, a place for water to collect, an opening, and underground channels. B. A source of heat, an active volcano nearby and a water reservoir. C. Channels in the Earth, heat and heavy rainfall and water underground. D. Volcanic activity, underground channels and steam. IV. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each numbered space. THOMAS EDISON
  29. On the night of 21 October 1931, millions of Americans took part in a coast-to-coast ceremony to commemorate the passing of a great man. Lights (21) in homes and offices from New York to California. The ceremony (22) the death of arguably the most important inventor of (23) time: Thomas Alva Edison. Few inventors have (24) such an impact on everyday life, and many of his inventions played a crucial (25) in the development of modem technology. One should never underestimate how revolutionary some of Edison’s inventions were. In many ways, Edison is the perfect example of an inventor - that is, not just someone who dreams up clever gadgets, but someone whose products transform the lives of millions. He possessed the key characteristics that an inventor needs to (26) a success of inventions, notably sheer determination. Edison famously tried thousands of materials while working on a new type of battery, reacting to failure by cheerfully (27) to his colleagues: ‘Well, (28) we know 8,000 things that don’t work.’ Knowing when to take no (29) of experts is also important. Edison’s proposal for electric lighting circuitry was (30) with total disbelief by eminent scientists, until he lit up whole streets with his lights. 21. A. turned out B. came off C. went out D. put off 22. A. marked B. distinguished C. noted D. indicated 23. A. whole B. full C. entire D. all 24. A. put B. had C. served D. set 25. A. effect B. place C. role D. share 26. A. gain B. make C. achieve D. get 27. A. announcing B. informing C. instructing D. notifying 28. A. by far B. at least C. even though D. for all 29. A. notice B. regard C. attention D. view 30. A. gathered B. caught C. drawn D. received V. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences. 31. I was the impression that you had left. A. under B. below C. in D. on 32. There isn’t any sugar left, I am afraid. You’ll have to A. manage it B. put up with C. do without D. make for
  30. 33. Losing my job was a great shock, but I think I am it. A. seeing to B. putting up with C. standing for D. getting over 34. Owning a car means you don’t have to depend on public transport and you feel more independent. A. nevertheless B. since C. as a result D. for example 35. Training is given so no previous of catering is requừed for this job. A. application B. vacancy C. qualification D. experience 36. Marina is so - sometimes she’s really happy and then a few hours later she refuses to speak to me. A. unstable B. bossy C. changeable D. moody 37. When they heard their train was due to come in on a different all the commuters dashed over to it. A. board B. escalator C. railway D. platform 38. There’s a maj or junction controlled by traffic and that’s where you turn left. A. bypasses B. crossroads C. lights D. roundabouts 39. I like the way my sister has designed her flat - it’s really A. delicious B. tasteful C. tasty D. fresh 40. There was a good on the television last night about polar bear. A. drama B. series C. soft opera D. documentary VI. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each of the spaces in the following passage. HOME EDUCATION Up until fairly recently, home (41. SCHOOL) was regarded as something rather uncommon. In the past decade, however, the idea of children being taught in the family home has-grown in (42. POPULAR) Many parents cite the (43. ALARM) high incidence of (44. VIOLENT) in mainstream (45. INSTITUTE) as the reason behind their choice to home educate, while others point to the poor standards that are maintained in the state school system. They claim that an (46. SUFFICE) number of teachers and overcrowding in classrooms has lead to an (47. ACCEPT) situation. On the one hand, these parents may have taken a (48. JUSTIFY) decision, but on the other, one can't help thinking about the (49. DEPRIVE) these stay-at-home children may be suffering as far as (50. SOCIETY) interaction with their peers is concerned.
  31. VII. Insert in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word to complete the following passage. SUSHI CHEF Kazutoshi Endo has been making the Japanese fish and rice delicacy known as sushi for thirteen years. Yet he wants to (51) clear that he is still very much a beginner. In fact, he is quite adamant about it, (52) being head sushi chef at one of London’s leading Japanese restaurants. Endo comes from a hard-working family in the port city of Yokohama and is a third generation sushi chef. Although as a child he was (53) encouraged to follow in his father’s footsteps, and actually trained to be a PE teacher instead, it was always Endo’s ambition to do so. Yet he was never taught (54) to do. The (55) you learn in Japan is to watch. Some chefs spend three years washing sushi rice, whilst (56) the same time watching their masters at work. It takes some concentration to (57) an eye on Endo’s hands as he makes sushi, however. All it takes is just a few quick cuts with his knife and a neat pile of perfectly sliced octopus sits on the counter. A sushi roll may look like a (58) of rice, but apparently it takes years to get the touch, to be (59) to roll rice with exactly the right amount of pressure. As Endo says: 'Sushi (60) to be mastered. I can't explain the process in words.’ VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one, using the word in bracket. You must use between TWO and FIVE words, including the word given. Do not change the word given. 61. What type of music do you like best? FAVOURITE What type of music? 62. For me, the film was spoilt by the awful soundtrack. MY In the awful soundtrack that spoilt the film. 63. Peter hadn’t expected to see so many old friends at the party. SURPRISE It came to see so many old friends at the party. 64. Although she was a good runner, Wendy never succeeded in winning an Olympic medal. OF a good runner, Wendy never succeeded in winning an Olympic medal. 65. The country’s economic problems were less serious than people had been led to believe. AS The country’s economic problems people had been led to believe. 66. I think you should complain to your boss. Were a complaint to my boss. 67. Recycling old newspapers seems pointless to me. POINT I can’t old newspapers.
  32. 68. I never thought that I would win a prize. CROSSED It that I would win a prize. 69. Having explained things three times, Simon’s patience was exhausted. RUN Having explained things three times, Simon patience. 70. I really enjoy reading, but sometimes I feel like doing something more active. TIMES Much as I enjoy reading, prefer to do something more active. IX. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it meant exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, beginning with the word(s) given. 71- ‘Why didn’t I learn to drive before?’ thought the manager. The manager 72. My parents find fault with everything I do. No matter . 73. The man continued to feel unsafe until they crossed the border. Not until 74. Kathy feels sick, as she ate so much seafood this evening. If Kathy 75. Tom insisted on being told the complete story. Nothing but 76. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money. Were 77. You should never spend other people’s money under any circumstances. Under no 78. The manager was annoyed because his secretary came late to work. The manager objected . 79. The only way you can master English is practicing it every day. Only by . 80. ‘It certainly wasn’t me who took your English book.’Tom said.
  33. Tom X. (81-100) Write a paragraph of about 100 - 150 words on thj following topic. Disruptive students have a negative influence on others Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. PRACTICE TEST 5 I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others’. 1. A. companion B. comfortable C. compliment D. competence 2. A. biology B. scientific C. geography D. activity 3. A. applicant B. appliance C. delicate D. relevant 4. A. sensible B. continue C. example D. contestant 5 A. mature B. nature C. culture D. measure II. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences. 6. Both televisions and computers .an enormous impact on our lives. A. have B. had had C. has had D. have had 7. The teacher recommended .the book but I do not have enough money .it. A. buy/ to buy B. bought/ buying C. buying/ to buy D. buy/ to buy 8. They suggest that beer .on TV should be banned. A. advertising B. advertised C. advertise D. to advertise 9. Hundreds of animals are reported .killed in the forest yesterday. A. to being B. to be C. to have been D. to have being 10. I have English classes .day - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A. this and the other B. each other C. every other D. all other 11. The technological and economic changes of the 19th century had a marked .on workers. A. cause B. effect C. impact D. consequence
  34. 12. “Did Jenny say anything about her sister?” - “No, she didn’t .her at all.” A. remind B. remark C. refer D. mention 13. More and more people .of food poisoning nowadays. A. exist B. survive C. die D. starve 14. She was singing to herself all the way home. She .very happy about something. A. should have been B. would be C. would have been D. must have been 15. Every time my aunt came from Hue, she .bring me a lot of delicious food. A. could B. would C. might D. should 16. When I questioned him, he finally .stealing my pen. A. admitted B. accused C. accepted D. confessed 17. I really want to help you, but I’ve got .organizing the school play. A. my head over heels B. up to my ears C. my nose choked D. my hands full 18. He was .that no one wants to hear him. A. so bad singer B. such bad singer C. such bad a singer D. so bad a singer 19. The boy came .a cold walking in the rain for too long. A. down with B. up with C. up against D. along with 20. The twins are so alike that I can hardly . A. see them both B. tell them apart C. go for them D. work them out 21. Could you get an extra .of milk for me, please? A. bar B. slice C. carton D. packet 22. .gene in the human genome were more completely understood, many human diseases could be cured or prevented. A. Each B. Since C. If each D. Were each 23. Many plant and animal species are now on the .of extinction. A. danger B. border C. verge D. margin 24. Her outgoing character contrast .with that of her sister. A. sharply B. thoroughly C. fully D. coolly
  35. 25. She clearly joined the firm with a(n) .to improving herself professionally. A. view B. aim C. plan D. ambition 26. The curriculum at the public school is as good .of any private school. A. or better than B. as or better than that C. as or better that D. as or better than those 27. This picture book, the few pages .are missing, is my favorite. A. for which B. of which C. of that D. to which 28. Not until late 1960s .on the moon. A. that Americans walked B. when Americans walked C. did Americans walk D. when did Americans walk 29. You can borrow my book .you return it before the end of the class. A. even if B. although C. while D. as long as 30. In her time, Isadora Duncan was .today a liberated woman. A. what calling we would B. who would be calling C. what we would call D. she would call her III. Choose the underlined word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs to be corrected. 31. If one does not have respect for himself, you cannot expect others to respect him. A B C D 32. The film star, with his friends, are going to the party tonight. A B C D 33. Hardly he had got downstairs when the phone stopped ringing. A B C D 34. We admire Lucy for her intelligence, cheerful disposition and she is honest. A B C D 35. For my mind, the whole affair is something of a mystery, isn’t it? A B C D 36. The first doctor had said that my mother suffered from asthma, but the second one told that she was
  36. A B C D healthy. 37. The Rocky Mountains were explored by fur traders during the early 1800's,in decades preceding the A B C D United States Civil War. 38. Because of its vast tracts of virtually uninhabited northern forest, Canada has one of the lowest population A B C density in the world. D 39. Diamonds have the unique ability to allow the passage of neither infrared and visible light. A B C D 40. The writer was so successful in making the readers feeling the way her main character did. A B C D 41. The rapid growth of the world's population over the past 100 years have led to a great increase in the acreage of land under cultivation. A B C D 42. Bacteria are one of the most abundant life forms on earth, growing on and inside another living things, in A B C every type of environment. D 43. You should ensure your house against any possible damage. Earthquakes sometimes occur here, you know. A B C D 44. We should also take into account a fact that unemployment causes poverty. A B C D 45. The manager first talked about staffing policy and then went on talking about the budget. A B C D IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.
  37. Bill Morell is the founder of Future Forests, an organization that deals with the complex environmental problem of global warming. His solution to saving our planet is quite simple. It involves planting trees around the world to help absorb the carbon dioxide that is being created. The average U.S or UK citizen has a lifestyle that annually produces 11 tons of CO2. Future Forests plants trees for £3 each and aims to give people the power to repair the damage that they have caused to the environment. Trees naturally absorb CO2 and, in its place, produce oxygen. Future Forests helps us to understand the damage we are doing to the environment by explaining it in simple, basic terms. For example, it takes five trees to absorb the CO2 released by a refrigerator over its lifetime, while it takes four trees to absorb the CO2 produced by using a washing machine for six years. As people see the connection between planting a tree and CO2 absorption, it makes them more aware of the direct role they are playing in polluting the environment, while showing them how they can help repair the damage. Future Forests has attracted support from actors, artists, businesses, governments and more than 10,000 ordinary citizens around the world. The foundation has planted over 148,000 trees in 55 forest sites in India, Mexico and the UK. Recycling the world’s air is no easy task. Morell explains that the members of Future Forests are aware that they are entering a long-term commitment to the environment, and that we can all do our part to save our planet, one tree at a time. 46. What is the article about? A. Bill Morell’s life B. Recycling C. Planting trees to save the planet D. Deforestation 47. What is Future Forests’ goal? A. To create forests for people B. To create CO2 C. To collect money to save our forests D. To help people participating in preserving the environment 48. Which is true? A. Future Forests is only supported by celebrities. B. Trees can replace CO2 with oxygen. C. Damage to the atmosphere is permanent. D. Average citizens are not responsible for air pollution. 49. If you plant six trees, you absorb the CO2 emissions produced by using
  38. A. your car for twenty years B. your washing machine for ten years C. your refrigerator for its lifetime D. all your elecưical appliances for one year 50. How can people save the planet according to the article? A. By understanding the world’s environmental problems B. By reducing CO2 emissions and planting more trees C. By not using electrical appliances D. By giving up bad habits V. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each numbered space. THE PENNY BLACK The Penny Black is the name of the world’s first postage stamp. It was introduced by the UK in 1840 and is perhaps the most (51) stamp ever issued, It has a (52) of young Queen Victoria and because of its color, and its (53) of one penny, it is known as the “Penny Black”. (54) 1820, postage rates for delivery of letters in the UK depended on the (55) the letter has to travel and the number of sheets of paper used. Furthermore, (56) that time it was not possible to pay for your letter before you sent it. The postage had to be paid by the receiver (57) than the sender of the letter. The Penny Black changed everything; at the rate of one penny, letters that did not (58) more than half an ounce could be sent to any (59) in the UK. Nowadays, Penny Black stamps are not all that rare although they are (60) regarded by stamp collectors. About 68 million of these stamps were issued (61) 1840 and 1842, and it is thought that about 1.5 of these (62) today. The price of the stamp today varies according to whether it has been used or not and its condition. A fine used copy can be bought for around £77 or less, while unused examples are quite rare and sell for £2,000 or more. To (63) the UK for having issued the world’s first postage stamp, the Universal Postal Union has made an exception regarding its (64) that the name of the country must (65) on a stamp. No British stamp has ever had the country name on it. 51. A. well-liked B. popular C. fashionable D. famous 52. A. model B. picture C. statue D. painting 53. A. sum B. amount C. price D. worth 54. A. Before B. Former C. Earlier D. Previous
  39. 55. A. range B. distance C. space D. length 56. A. at B. by C. after D. in 57. A. other B. instead C. rather D. further 58. A. weigh B. limit C. reach D. measure 59. A. position B. route C. station D. destination 60. A. greatly B. highly C. warmly D. dearly 61. A. in B. about C. between D. among 62. A. survive B. live C. continue D. last 63. A. respect B. fame C. glory D. honor 64. A. law B. rule C. command D. order 65. A. appear B. view C. show D. display VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. Parents who worry about what their children are being exposed to on the Internet are turning to e- Blaster for help. E-Blaster is “spy” software that allows you to monitor what is being done on your PC, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by sending a detailed report to your e-mail address as often as every 30 minutes. Once you have installed e-Blaster, you can check with websites your children have visited, who they have talked to online and even what they have “said”. Monitoring the keystrokes typed by your child is similar to being able to read their mail or listen in on their phone conversations. You can even program e-Blaster to look for keywords such as swear words or other inappropriate language. Because e-Blaster can be hidden from the PC user, it is also popular with employers who are not always there to monitor what their employees are doing on their PCs at work. Concerned parents and employers might get peace of mind from e- Blaster but, if the PC user isn’t informed that they are being “spied” on, it could be considered an invasion of privacy. Personally, I feel that it is a sad reflection on our society today that we feel the need to replace trust and honest communication with “spy” software. 66. The e-Blaster helps . A. parents read e-mail B. parents access the Internet 24 hours a day C. parents send detailed reports
  40. D. parents monitor their children’s activities online 67. The e-Blaster A. helps children use the Internet B. receives a report on your PC every 30 minutes C. allows somebody to find out what a PC user does on their PC D. controls the Internet 68. With e-Blaster A. parents can see what their children have typed B. children can learn keywords C. children can improve their typing skills D. parents can listen to their children’s phone conversations 69. Using the e-Blaster in the work place means that employees . A. can check up on each other’s work B. can hide what they are doing from their employers C. cannot use their PCs while their boss is away D. can be monitored by their employers 70. The author feels that the use of “spy” software shows that we . A. can’t communicate with each other B. don’t trust one another Giaoandet hitien ganh.info C. are technologically advanced D. are concerned about our children VII. Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to the sentence given. 71. “Go on Jack, apply for the job, ” said Sally. A. Sally told Jack to go on and apply for the job. B. Sally said that Jack apply for the job. C. Sally suggested applying for the job.
  41. D. Sally encouraged Jack to apply for the job. 72. It is compulsory for all students to leave a cash deposit. A. All students are not required to leave a cash deposit. B. It is optional for all students to leave a cash deposit. C. All students are required to leave a cash deposit. D. All students are required leaving a cash deposit. 73. One of the things I hate is noisy children. A. I hate being in a place where there are noisy kids. B. Children who make a lot of noise are terrible. C. Among other things, I can’t stand children who make noise. D. I hate both children and the noise they make. 74. As Jane and I are going to Leeds by car, why don’t you join us? A. Will you come to Leeds with Jane and me if we decide to take the car? B. How about going to Leeds with Jane and me since we are taking the car? C. If you and Jane decide to go to Leeds, couldn’t we go by car? D. Why don’t you want to go to Leeds by car with Jane and me? 75. Under no circumstances should you stand up while the ride is in progress. A. If you get up before the ride has finished, it will shut down. B. Once the ride has begun, it is necessary that you remain seated until it has completely stopped moving. C. As the ride has continued to improve, people have begun standing up on it, though they aren’t supposed to. D. Whoever you may be, the recent updates to the ride mean that you should not stand up to it. 76. “I will let you know the answer by the end of this week, ” Tom said to Janet A. Tom suggested giving Janet the answer by the end of the week. B. Tom promised to give Janet the answer by the end of the week. C. Tom insisted on letting Janet know the answer by the end of the Week D. Tom offered to give Janet the answer by the end of the week. 77. He felt very tired. However, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
  42. A. He felt so tired that he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain. B. Feeling very tired, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain. C. As the result of his tiredness, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain. D. Tired as he might feel, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain. 78. We bought two bicycles. Neither of them worked well. A. We bought two bicycles which neither of worked well. B. We bought two bicycles neither of which worked well. C. We bought two bicycles, of which neither worked well. D. We bought two bicycles, neither of which worked well. 79. The door was so heavy that the child couldn’t push it open. A. The door was too heavy to push it open. B. The door was too heavy for the child to push it open. C. The door was too heavy for the child to push open. D. The door was too heavy for the child to open it. 80. The private was reprimanded by the major and was shaking with fear. A. Shaking with fear, the major reprimanded by the major. B. Shaking with fear, the private was reprimanded by the major. C. Reprimanding the private, the major was shaking with fear. D. Reprimanding the major, the private was shaking with fear. Giaoandethit I engan h.info PRACTICE TEST 6 I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is different from the others’. 1. A. explanation B. adventure C. acronym D. addition 2. A. choir B. chill C. chief D. charge 3. A. colony B. company C. colourful D. covering 4. A. throughout B. smooth C. threaten D. thunder
  43. 5. A. played B. transformed C. vaporised D. attached II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others’. 6. A. constant B. compel C. standard D. contact 7. A. chemistry B. passenger C. examine D. comedy 8. A. terrific B. surprising C. crockery D. successful 9. A. agency B. exchanging C. complicate D. bankruptcy 10. A. accountancy B. category C. customary D. monetary III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. Federal express is a company that specializes in rapid overnight delivery of high-priority packages. The first company of its type, Federal Express, was founded by the youthful Fred Smith in 1971, when he was only 28 years old. Smith had actually developed the idea for the rapid delivery service in a term paper for an economics class when he was a student in Yale University. The term paper reputedly received a less-than- stellar grade because of the infeasibility of the project that Smith had outlined. The model that Smith proposed had never been tried; it was a model that was efficient to operate but at the same time was very difficult to institute. Giaoandethitie ngan h.info Smith achieved efficiency in his model by designing a system that was separate from the passenger system and could, therefore, focus on how to deliver packages most efficiently. His strategy was to own his own planes so that he could create his own schedules and to ship all packages through the hub city of Memphis, a set-up which resembles the spokes on the wheel of a bicycle. With this combination of his own planes and hub set-up, he could get packages anywhere in the United States overnight. What made Smith’s idea difficult to institute was the fact that the entire system had to be created before the company could begin operations. He needed a fleet of aircraft to collect packages from airports every night and deliver them to Memphis, where they were immediately sorted and flown out to their new destinations; he needed a fleet of trucks to deliver packages to and from the various airports; he needed facilities and trained staff all in place to handle the operation. Smith had a $4 million inheritance ' from his father, and he managed to raise an additional $91 million dollars from venture capitalists to get the company operating. When Federal Express began service in 1973 in 25 cities, the company was not an immediate success, but success did come within a relatively’ short period of time. The company lost $29 million in the first 26 months of operations. However, the tide was to turn relatively quickly. By late 1976, Federal Express was carrying an average of 19,000 packages per night and had made a profit of $3.6 million. 11. The most appropriate title for this passage is A. The Problems and Frustrations of a Business Student B. The Importance of Business Studies
  44. C. The Capitalization of Federal Express D. The Implementation of a Successful Business 12. The word “developed” in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by A. come up with B. come about C. come across D. come into 13. What is stated in the passage about Smith’s term paper? A. Smith submitted it through a delivery service. B. It was written by a student of Smith’s. C. Its grade was mediocre. D. The professor thought it had great potential. 14. What was a key idea of Smith’s? A. That he should focus on passenger service. B. That package delivery should be separate from passenger service. C. That packages could be delivered on other companies’ planes. D. That passenger service had to be efficient. 15. A “hub city” in paragraph 2 is . A. a large city with small cities as destinations B. a city that is the final destination for many routes C. a city where many bicycle routes begin D. a centtalized city with destinations coming from it 16. It can be inferred from the passage that Smith selected Memphis as his hub city because it A. was near the middle of the country B. had a large number of passenger aircraft C. already had a large package delivery service D. was a favorite passenger airport Giaoan deth itien ganh.info 17. The pronoun “they ” in paragraph 3 refers to . A. aircraft B. packages C. airports D. destinations
  45. 18. It is NOT mentioned in the passage that, in order to set up his company, Smith needed . A. airplanes B. trucks C. personnel D. faculty 19. How long did it take Federal Express to become profitable? A. Two months B. One year C. Three years D. Six years 20. The tone of the passage in describing Smith’s accomplishments is A. unflattering B. sincere C. unconvincing D. snobbish IV. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each numbered space. HOLIDAYS IN SOUTH CAROLINA Roaring across the bay in a motorised rubber boat, we were told by the captain to keep our eyes open. With the engine turned off, it wasn’t long before half a dozen dolphins came swimming around us. Eventually, two came up (21) beside the boat and popped their heads out of the water to give us a wide grin. Giaoandethitieng anh.in fo Dolphin watching is just one of the many unexpected attractions of a holiday in South Carolina, in the USA. The state has long been popular with golfers and, with dozens of courses in the area, it is (22) a golfer’s paradise. But even the keenest golfer needs other diversions and we soon found the resorts had plenty to (23) In fact, Charleston, which is midway along the (24) , is one of the most interesting cities in America and is where the first shots in the Civil War were (25) . Taking a guided horse and carriage tour through the quiet back streets you get a real (26) of the city’s past Strict regulations (27) to buildings so that original features are preserved. To the South of Charleston lies Hilton Head, an island resort about 18 km long and (28) like a foot. It has a fantastic sandy beach (29) the length of the island and this is perfect for all manner of water 3 sports. Alternatively, if you feel like doing nothing, hire a chair and an umbrella, head for an open (30) and just sit back and watch the pelicans diving for fish. 21. A. direct B. right C. precise D. exact 22. A. fully B. truly C. honestly D. purely 23. A. show B. provide C. offer D. supply 24. A. beach B. coast C. sea D. shore 25. A. thrown B. aimed C. pulled D. fired 26. A. significance B. meaning C. sense D. comprehension 27. A. apply B. happen C. agree D. occur
  46. 28. A. formed B.shaped C. made D. moulded 29. A. lying B. running C. going D. following 30. A. space B. room C. gap D. place V. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences. 31. it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off going to Grass Ski. A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will 32. You should write ink, not your pencil. A. in/with B. with/in C. by/with D. with/with 33. Six novels a year, you say? He is a writer. A. virile B. prolific C. fruitful D. fertile 34. Not until Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave had been completely explored in 1972 . A. when was its full extent realized B. the realization of its full extent C. was its full extent realized D. that its full extent was realized 35. “Did Jane pass her exam?” - “Yes, but it was . The pass mark was forty-five and she got forty-six.” A. a narrow escape B. a close thing C. a clear cut D. a tight spot 36. I am not sure, but I know there will be a new director in our company soon. A. as long as B. as far as C. according D. on the whole 37. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become offenders. A. consistent B. resistant C. insistent D. persistent 38. My cousin obviously didn’t much of an impression on you if you can’t remember meeting her. A. create B. do C. make D. build 39. He has even broken the door! Look, the handle has off A. come B. parted C. burst D. split 40. He escaped by .
  47. A. a hair’s breadth B. the hair’s breadth C. the breadth of a hairD. a breadth of a hair Giao andethiti enganh.info VI. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each of the spaces in the following passage. Lichens are a unique group of complex, flowerless plant (41. GROW) on rock and trees. There are thousands of kinds of lichen, which come in a wide (42. VARIOUS) of colours. They are composed of algae and fungi which (43. UNITY) to satisfy the needs of the lichens. The autotrophic green algae produce all their own food through a process called photosynthesis and provide the lichen with (44. NUTRITION) elements. On the other hand, the heterotrophic fungus which depends on other elements to provide its food, not only (45. ABSORPTION ) and stores water for the plant but also helps protect it. This union by which two (46.SIMILARITY) organisms live together is called symbiosis. This sharing (47. ABLE) lichens to resist the most advert environmental conditions found on earth. They can be in some very (48. LIKE) places such as the (49. POLE) ice cap as well as in tropical zones, in dry areas as much as wet ones, on mountain peaks and along (50. COAST) areas. VII. Insert in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word to complete the following passage. To many people, their friends are the most important thing in their life. Really good friends share the good times and the bad times, help you when you’ve got problems, never judge you and never (51) their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you’ve known all your life, someone you’ve (52) up with and been through lots of ups and downs with. There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special (53) . It may be the result of enjoying the same activities, (54) the same outlook on life, or sharing similar experiences. Most of us have met someone that we’ve immediately felt relaxed with, as (55) we’ve known them for years. But usually it really does take years to get to know someone well (56) to consider them your ‘best friend’. To the majority of us this is someone we trust completely (57) who understands us more than anyone else. It’s the person you can turn to (58) impartial advice and a shoulder to cry on when life lets you down. You know that no matter what (59) problem or what time of day or night it is, your best friend will drop everything and put you (60) No relationship is more important than the one with your best friend. VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one, using the word in bracket. You must use between TWO and FIVE words, including the word given. Do not change the word given. 61. We won’t get to the airport in less than 30 minutes. LEAST It will 30 minutes to get to the airport. 62. Everyone must have noticed the change in temperature. FAILED
  48. No one the change in temperature. 63. I promised him that the situation would not be repeated in the future. WORD I would be no repetition of the situation in the future. 64. You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided. OUGHT You more carefully before you decided. 65. They decided to build a new supermarket immediately. SHOULD They decided that a immediately. 66. He had a very traditional upbringing, didn’t he? TRADITIONALLY He ., wasn’t he? 67. Anthony wasn’t at all discouraged by this bad experience. PUT This bad experience in the least. 68. I had trouble in following the instructions. DIFFICULT I found the instructions. 69. My parents were always telling me what to do when I was small. BEING I to do when I was small. 70. She seemed quite unhappy when I saw her last week. LOOK When I saw her last week, at all. IX. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, beginning with the word(s) given. 71. I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job. It came . 72. Why were you absent from the meeting yesterday? What was 73. This problem cannot be solved instantly. There is 74. My friends persuaded me to go to the party in fancy dress. My friends talked
  49. 75. The painting is thought to have been stolen by one of the attendants One of the attendants 76. Only when I got home did I realize I had left the parcel behind. It was not. 77. The customer couldn’t have understood the instructions of the device. Maybe, 78. The garden party won’t take place if the weather doesn’t improve. Unless 79. You think that fat people are always jolly, but you are wrong. Contrary 80. It's likely that he will pass the entrance exam. He's X. (81-100) Write a paragraph of about 100 - 150 words on the following topic. Rural life is more enjoyable than urban life. PRACTICE TEST 7 I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others’. 1. A. professional B. patriotic C. unqualified D. particular 2. A. encourage B. linguistic C. injection D. document 3. A. temperature B. immediate C. experiment D. intelligent 4. A. regional B. physical C. ethereal D. confident 5. A. jealous B. precise C. puppet D. active II. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences. 6. All of the proposals we have made are still under . A. repair B. control C. surveillance D. examination 7. That is an interesting book which can .many children’s imagination.
  50. A. take B. capture C. hold D. form 8. It is undeniable that modem industry .our life. A. makes difference B. puts effect in C. has impact on D. does influence over 9. A rise in salary in this very difficult stage, I think, is A. out of the question B. on approval C. at short notice D. in the clouds 10. Not many foreign university students opt home-stay because they prefer independence. A. to B. for C. on D. with 11. When candidates learned the satisfying results, they jumped joy. A. in B. at C. for D. on 12. Even at that early stage the school felt that she a good chance of passing her exams. A. stood B. gained C. possessed D. took 13. We sat in the of the big oak tree, avoiding the boiling sun. A. shade B. shadow C. cover D. protection 14. There has been a(n) of the disease in several villages in the north of the country. A. breakout B. outbreak C. breakdown D. breakup 15. No sooner down the receiver than the phone rang again. A. I put B. had I put C. have I put D. I had put 16. It is vital that the petition by all of the residents in the area. A. signed B. is signed C. will be signed D. be signed 17. We spent nearly 3 hours waiting outside the station, then out A. be the star coming B. did the star come C. came the star D. the star came 18. My father is getting old and forgetful. , he is experienced and helpful. A. Inasmuch as it is B. Be that as it may C. Regardless D. Consequently 19. Such of the festival that every tourist takes a chance to enjoy it. A. is it the attraction B. is the attraction C. attraction it is D. attraction is it 20. At this very time tomorrow, we the final test. A. will do B. are doing C. will be doing D. are going to do
  51. 21. Don’t worry about making a noise. The children are wide A. waking B. awake C. woken D. awoke 22. We were all by emotion when we heard the news about the success of the Vietnamese Team at the International Mathematics Contest. A. cheered B. astonished C. overwhelmed D. surprised 23. Who in our company deserves the title “The Best Employee of the Year”? A. to give B. giving C. to be given D. being given 24. Many a it difficult to avoid the interference of mass media in their life. A. pop star finds B. pop star find C. pop stars find D. pop stars finds 25. It was Barry hacked into our company server and destroyed all our files. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which 26. It is advisable to insure your house theft and fire. A. for B. about C. in D. against 27. Who shall I make this check ? A. out to B. out for C. on for D. into 28. The Chancellor is said the road tax last month. A. to have brought in B. that he brought in C. to be bringing in D. to bring in 29. Of the two discussions held last month, the second one was A. the most fruitful B. the more fruitful C. most fruitful D. more fruitful 30. It is too late to congratulate the player their success, isn’t it? A. to B. on C. about D. over III. Choose the underlined word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs to be corrected. 31. The discovery of magnetic effects of coils made possible to measure an electric current. A B C D 32. Stop making so much noise or the neighbors will get angrily. A B C D 33. If today is Sunday, I would go to the zoo with my friends.
  52. A B C D 34. We suggest to plant more trees along the street to have more shades and fresh air. A B C D 35. Today’s cars are smaller, safer, cleaner and more economical than their predecessors but the cars of the A B future will be far more pollution-free as those on the road today. C D 36. The four-days working week will certainly be reality, so we will have more time for leisure activities. A B C D 37. The new brochure describing all our services was delivered to us late yesterday and were shipped out A B C D early tomorrow morning. 38. Dairying is concerned not only with the production of milk, and also with the manufacture of milk A B C products such as butter and cheese. D 39. There was a terrible news on the radio this morning about the earthquake in Tokyo. A B C D 40. If you like entertainment, you can relax by playing computer games or listen to computer-played music. A B C D 41. Despite its small size, the Indian Ocean is as deep the Atlantic Ocean. A B C D 42. The children’s television program called “Sesame Street” was seeing in 84 countries in 1989. A B C D 43. The amount of women earning Master’s Degrees has risen sharply in recent years. A B C D 44. Spell correctly is easy with the aid of a number of world processing programs for personal computers.
  53. A B C D 45. The New York City subway system is the most longest underground railroad operating in the world. A B C D IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. It is commonly believed that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The difference between schooling and education implied by this remark is important. Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no limits. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in the kitchen or on the tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in school and the whole universe of informal learning. The agent (doer) of education can vary from respected grandparents to the people arguing about politics predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People receive education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term; it is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of one’s entire life. Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at about the same time, take the assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The pieces of reality that are to be learned have been limited by the subjects being taught. For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their society or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are clear and undoubted conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling. Giaoandethiti enga nh.info 46. This passage is mainly aimed at A. listing and discussing several educational problems B. telling the difference between the meaning of two related words C. telling a story about excellent students D. giving examples of different schools 47. According to the passage, the doers of education are A. only respected grandparents B. mainly politicians C. mostly famous scientists D. almost all people 48. Which of the following would be the writer support? A. Our education system needs to be changed as soon as possible. B. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.
  54. C. Schooling is of no use because students do similar things every day. D. Without formal education, people won’t be able to read and write. 49. Because the general pattern of schooling varies little from one setting to the next, school children throughout the country A. are taught by the same teachers B. have the same abilities C. do similar things D. have similar study conditions 50. From the passage, we can infer that a high school teacher A. is free to choose anything to teach B. is not allowed to teach political issues C. is bound to teach programmed subjects D. has to teach social issues to all classes V. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each numbered space. Have you ever looked into what happened to your old friends? Friends Reunited is a website which puts old school and college friends back in (51) with one another. It was (52) by a husband and wife (53) when the wife, Julie Pankhurst, decided she wanted to track (54) some of her own school friends. The website now has over five million (55) and is one of the most popular websites in the UK. You pay a small (56) to join, and then add your name and email address to a list. This list is (57) by school and year, so it is easy to find people. Thousands of reunions have now (58) place across the UK, and the idea has spread to many other countries. So if you join Friends Reunited, you can find the person who was your (59) friend when you were eight, even if he or she’s now living on the other (60) of the world. There may be even some surprises (61) for you! You might (62) that the quiet boy who everyone used to (63) in school has now become a professor of Physics, and the tall shy girl has now become a top fashion (64) with her picture on Vogue magazine. Or, (65) , you might find that no one you knew has changed much at all! 51. A. connection B. association C. touch D. meeting 52. A. got down B. made out C. put on D. set up 53. A. group B. team C. crew D. band 54. A. down B. out C. for D. in 55. A. players B. users C. holders D. consumers 56. A. fee B. price C. fare D. expense
  55. 57. A. controlled B. demonsfrated C. managed D. organised 58. A. made B. given C. taken D. done 59. A. best B. perfect C. superb D. ideal 60. A. section B. piece C. side D. half 61. A. on order B. in store C. in place D. en route 62. A. invent B. identify C. investigate D. discover 63. A. tease B. laugh C. joke D. smile 64. A. example B. image C. model D. brand 65. A. on the other hand B. in particular C. on the whole D. in effect VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. Andrew Carnegie, known as the King of Steel, built the steel industry in the United States, and, in the process, became one of the wealthiest men in America. His success resulted in part from his ability to sell the product and in part from his policy of expanding during periods of economic decline, when most of his competitors were reducing their investments. Carnegie believed that individuals should progress through hard work, but he also felt strongly that the wealthy should use their fortunes for the benefit of society. He opposed charity, preferring instead to provide educational opportunities that would allow others to help themselves. “He who dies rich, dies disgraced,” he often said. Giaoande thitienga nh.info Among his more noteworthy contributions to society are those that bear his name, including the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh, which has a library, a museum of fine arts, and a museum of national history. He also founded a school of technology that is now part of Carnegie-Mellon University. Other philanthropic gifts are the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to promote a center for the arts. Few Americans have been left untouched by Andrew Carnegie’s generosity. His contributions of more than five million dollars established 2,500 libraries in small communities throughout the country and formed the nucleus of the public library system that we all enjoy today. 66. With which of the following topics is the text primarily concerned? A. The establishment of the public library system B. The work of Carnegie-Mellon University C. The building of the steel industry D. The philanthropy of Andrew Carnegie 67. How many libraries did Carnegie establish for the public library system?
  56. A. Twenty five B. Five thousand five hundred C. Two thousand five hundred D. Five million 68. The author mentions all of the following as recipients ofphilanthropic contributions by Carnegie EXCEPT A. the arts B. technology C. economics D. science 69. The word “those” as used in the passage refers to A. opportunities B. contributions C. others D. themselves 70. In the second paragraph, what does Carnegie mean when he says: “He who dies rich, dies disgraced”? A. Rich people should use their money for the benefit of society before they die. B. Rich people should be ashamed of their money. C. People may become rich if they live disgraceful lives. D. People should try to become rich before they die. VII. Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to the sentence given. 71. I really like your skirt. I mean it. A. I truly like your skirt. B. I mean to borrow your skirt. C. Your skirt is a bit mean. D. Could you lend me your skirt? 72. Domestic violence is a touchy topic. A. We are not interested in the topic of domestic violence. B. Domestic violence is not our concern. C. We should not touch the topic of domestic violence. D. The topic of domestic violence is quite sensitive. 73. I can ’t imagine we don ’t have ice cream. A. We don’t think we have ice cream. B. I can’t find ice cream in here. C. We can’t do without ice cream.
  57. D. We were running out of ice cream. 74. Don’t take any notice of Joe if he shouts at you as he does it to everybody. A. Joe will shout at you soon as he does to everyone. B. No one notices when Joe shouts at you as usual. C. Take notes of what Joe says whenever he shouts at you. D. Ignore Joe when he shouts at you as it happens to everybody. 75. Mimi was supposed to call her mother last night. A. Mimi didn’t call her mother last night. B. Mimi supposed her mother would call last night. C. Mimi called her mother last night. D. Suppose Mimi called her mother, what would she say? 76. Does she still take a long time to make up her mind about everything? A. Does she continue to spend a lot of time making up? B. Does she spend a lot time taking everything up? C. Does it take her much time to make decisions? D. She is used to taking time to make up. 77. I have learnt never to take sides in any arguments between my close friends A. If I support one side in arguments, the other will be upset. B. I support neither side in my close friend’s arguments. C. I don’t encourage my close friend to argue. D. I don’t support any of my close friends. 78. Tim is hopeless with money. A. Thinking of money makes Tim hopeless. B. Tim can’t keep his money for long. C. Tim is hopeless as he can’t earn much money. D. Asking Tim for money is hopeless. 79. I am losing you because of the bad reception.
  58. A. We are lost without the bad reception. B. I am a loser due to the bad reception. C. You are lost because of the bad direction. D. I can’t hear you clearly. 80. People who speak loudly in public are seen as rude. A. If one does not talk loudly in public, one is polite. B. One is rude unless one talks loudly in public. C. It’s said that the person taking loudly in public is rude. D. Only rude people speak loudly in public. PRACTICE TEST 8 I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others’. 1. A. enough B. though C. cough D. tough 2. A. homonym B. dishonesty C. honorable D. hourly 3. A. resign B. resound C. resonant D.resettle 4. A. thine B. therapy C. thick D. thermometer 5. A. determine B. submarine C. gasoline D. magazine II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others’. 6. A. advance B. purpose C. design D. until 7. A. economic B. inspiration C. minority D. reputation 8. A. freedom B. standard C. border D. parade 9. A. typhoon B. alien C. despite D. behave 10. A. wonderful B. institute C. internet D. edition III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. Tulips are Old World, rather than New World, plants, with the origins of the species lying in Central Asia. They became an integral part of the gardens of the Ottoman Empire from the sixteenth century onward,
  59. and, soon after, part of European life as well. Holland, in particular, became famous for its cultivation of the flower. A tenuous line marked the advance of the tulip to the New World, where it was unknown in the wild. The first Dutch colonies in North America had been established in New Netherlands by the Dutch West India Company in 1624, and one individual who settled in New Amsterdam (today's Manhattan section of New York City) in 1642 described the flowers that bravely colonized the settlers' gardens. They were the same flowers seen in Dutch still-life paintings of the time: crown imperials, roses, carnations, and of course tulips. They flourished in Pennsylvania too, where in 1698 William Penn received a report of John Tateham's "Great and Stately Palace," its garden full of tulips. By 1760, Boston newspaper, were advertising 50 different kinds of mixed tulip "roots." But the length of the journey between Europe and North America created many difficulties Thomas Hancock, an English settler, wrote thanking his plant supplier for a gift of some tulip bulbs from England, but his letter the following year grumbled that they were all dead. Tulips arrived in Holland, Michigan, with a later wave of early nineteenth-century Dutch immigrants who quickly colonized the plains of Michigan. Together with many other Dutch settlements, such as the one at Pella, Iowa, they established a regular demand for European plants. The demand was bravely met by a new kind of tulip entrepreneur, the traveling salesperson. One Dutchman, Hendrick van de Schoot, spent six months in 1849 traveling through the United States taking orders for tulip bulbs. While tulip bulbs were traveling from Europe to the United States to satisfy the nostalgic longings of homesick English and Dutch settlers, North American plants were traveling in the opposite direction. In England, the enthusiasm for American plants was one reason why tulips dropped out of fashion in the gardens of the rich and famous. 11. Which of the following questions does the passage mainly answer? A. What is the difference between an Old World and a New World plant? B. Why are tulips grown in many different parts of the world? C. How did tulips become popular in North America? D. Where were the first Dutch colonies in North America located? 12. The word "integral" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to . A. interesting B. fundamental C. ornamental D. overlooked 13. The passage mentions that tulips were first found in which of the following regions? A. Central Asia B. Western Europe C. North America D. India 14. The word "flourished” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to . A. were discovered B. were marketed C. combined D. thrived 15. The author mentions tulip growing in New Netherlands, Pennsylvania, and Michigan in order to illustrate how A. imported tulips were considered more valuable than locally grown tulips