Revision for Mid-term Test

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Nội dung text: Revision for Mid-term Test

  1. Date of preparation: 5/11/2022 REVISION FOR MID-TERM TEST Period : 28 I.Aims and objectives: 1.Knowledge: -To check the Sts’ knowledge of what they’ve learnt from Unit 1 to Unit 3. -To help sts to develop listening, reading, writing, speaking skills and language focus by doing “the 45- minute Test” -To corrects their mistakes. 2.Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, sts will able to: - Communicate in English outside the class. - Use all sentences structures and vocabulary learnt from Unit 1 to Unit 3. II.The content of the test: CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER FOR EACH SENTENCE. 1. After the students out, the teacher the class door. A. had gone – closed B. went – had closed C. has gone-closed D. went – closed 2. Please let me your decision as soon as possible. A. to know B. knows C. know D. knowing 3. any fish yet? A. Was the man catching B. Does the man catch C. Is the man catching D. Has the man caught 4. Steve thought his with Helen was changing. A. relate B. relationship C. relation D. relative 5. He risked ___ his house when his company went bankrupt. A. losing B. to lose C. lose D. lost 6. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. A. chairs B. bowls C. pens D. books 7. When he at the station, his train already . A. arrived/ left B. has arrived/ left C. arrived/ had already left D. had arrived/ left 8. The man wanted to avoid on security cameras. A. to see B. being seen C. to be seen D. seeing 9. I don’t like that boy because there is a look on his face. A. sneaky B. generous C. careful D. happy 10. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. Speaking English to native speakers makes Lan interesting in learning English. A B C D 11. I’d like to stay at home instead of to the cinema. A. gone B. go C. to go D. going 12. My parents do not allow me , so I had to stay at home. A. go B. to go C. going D. gone 13. After their children had grown up, they decided ___ to a condominium in the city. A. moving B. to be moved C. to move D. being moved 14. I remember ___ my mother said the dishes needed ___. A. hearing / cleaning B. to hear / to clean C. heard / cleaned D. hear / cleaning 15. There is no point ___ for this position because the salary is not high. A. to apply B. apply C. applied D. applying 16. They will have some workers ___ their house. A. decorate B. decorating C. to decorate D. decorated 17. They have gone out for a drink ___ 2 hours. A. since B. for C. in D. with 18. Susan is looking for something . A. ate B. eat C. eating D. to eat
  2. 19. In my opinion, there are five most important which are necessary for true friendship to exist. A. qualities B. quantities C. characteristics D. grades 20. Doctors French before they went to Paris. A. learnt B. had learnt C. has been learning D. has learnt 21. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. A. worked B. laughed C. hoped D. decided 22. I remember ___ my book on the table, but now it is nowhere ___. A. putting / to be seen B. to put / seen C. putting / seeing D. to put / to see 23. The teacher made for a meeting after studying. A. us to stay B. us staying C. us stay D. us to staying 24. John suggested ___ to the new branch in Viet Nam. A. appointing B. to be appointed C. to appoint D. being appointed 25. The farmers hard on the farm 7 years ago. A. have worked B. worked C. will work D. work 26. Choose the word that has stress pattern differently from that of the other words. A. celebrate B. together C. successful D. relation 27. I think the old woman was very angry because she when she saw the rubbish in front of her house. A. made a decision B. made a fuss C. made a move D. made a choice 28. Would you mind not the radio until I’ve finished with this phone call? A. to turned on B. being turned on C. turning on D. to be turned on 29. The old couple are talking happily because they are having their wedding . A. anniversary B. birthday C. party D. ceremony 30. I don't mind ___you, so take it easy. A. to wait B. to be waited C. being waited D. waiting 31. It is no good sorry for yourself. A. feeling B. to feel C. feel D. felt 32. These workers stopped ___ some coffee because they felt sleepy. A. having B. have C. to have D. had 33. I want to travel because I enjoy ___ people and ___ new places. A. meet / see B. to meet / see. C. meeting / to see D. meeting / seeing 34. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. A. nation B. preparation C. explanation D. question 35. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. It’s important for her practise speaking English every day. A B C D Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question from 36 to 40. In the last few weeks I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than work at home, read the newspapers, and watch television. I had begun feeling bored with this and so, last weekend I thought I would do something different. I phoned several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach as this was the cheapest means of transport. In London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour, we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon some of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We met up again at 6.30 pm and went to a small restaurant in Sotho. The meal was really good, but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left. 36. Why did they decide to go by coach? A. Because it was expensive. B. Because they wanted to start early. C. Because other means of transport were more expensive. D. Because they were excited about taking it to London. 37. According to the passage, the writer . A. usually spends his weekend in London. B. went to London with some of his friends. C. has lived in London for ten years, D. feels bored with his tour. 38. Why did they have to catch a taxi?
  3. A. Because the coach station was very far from the restaurant. B. Because they were too tired to walk there. C. Because they didn't have enough time to walk to the coach station. D. Because it was raining heavily then. 39. He felt so excited about going to London because . A. he hadn't been there before. B. he hadn't been there for ten years. C. he went there ten years ago. D. he hadn't been there for a long time. 40. Which of the following is TRUE? A. They all went shopping before going to the theater. B. They had lunch in a small restaurant. C. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch. D. They left the city at 6.30 pm. ANSWER KEY 1. C 11. C 21. D 31. A 2. C 12. C 22. C 32. D 3. B 13. B 23. A 33. C 4. D 14. B 24. C 34. C 5. D 15. C 25. B 35. D 6. B 16. A 26. B 36. B 7. B 17. B 27. B 37. C 8. D 18. A 28. D 38. C 9. A 19. C 29. A 39. D 10. A 20B 30. B 40. A