Đề cương ôn thi học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6

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  1. REVIEW FOR THE SECOND TERM TEST _ E6 I. CONJUGATING TENSES Tense , Form Adverbs Use Present simple :HTĐ - always, usually, often, - thói quen ở hiện tại, sở .To be: I am , She/ He/ It is, You/ We/ They are sometimes, never, thích .To have: She/ He/ It has, I/ You/ We/ They have - every day / month / - sự thật, chân lí, phong (+)She/ He/ It + V-es/s , I/ You/ We/ They V year tục,tập quán (-)S + doesn’t /don’t+ V -Once / twice a week (?) Does/ Do + S+ V ? Past simple : QKĐ yesterday - hành động xảy ra và To be: I/She/He /It + was last week/ month / year, chấm dứt ở một thời điểm We/ You/ They + were ago, 5 years ago xác định trong quá khứ. (+) S + V-ed/ V2 + (-) S + didn’t + V in + T.gian ở QK in the (?) Did + S + V ? past Present. Progressive: HTTD -Now; at the moment/ at - Hđ đang diễn ra ở hiện S + am / is / are + V-ing present tại S + am / is / are + not + V-ing - V . / Don’t V - Câu mệnh lệnh Am / Is / Are + V-ing ? -Tonight, tomorrow, tonight - Hđ xảy ra ở tương lai gần Simple future Tonight, tomorrow , next Hđ xảy ra trong tương lai S + will + V S+ won’t V (không chắc chắn) Will +S + V ? 1.I ( visit ) my grandfather tomorrow. 2. My mother ( cook ) dinner now . 3. Their team (play)-___well and (win) ___ the games. 5. What Tom (do) last night ?- He (watch) cartoon on TV. 6. My friend (take) a trip to DaLat next week. 7. She (visit) Ha Long Bay every summer. 8. How she (feel) yesterday.? She (be) hot and thirsty. I (not work)___ well. 9. I (want) some bread. I (be) hungry. 10. She often (travel) to school by bike everyday. They (not do) ___that. II. IMPERATIVES: Câu mệnh lệnh V ., Please. : Hãy Don’t v : Đừng Ex: Put on your sport shoes. Be patient. Don’t litter around the school. Don’t forget to tide up your room. A B Key 1.Where is the museum? a. Practice English every. 1- 2. How can I speak English well? b. Don’t make noise. 2- 3. I need to concentrate. c. Don’t throw rubbish onto the river. 3- 4. To save electricity. d. Go straight ahead and turn right. 4- 5. The water is polluted. e. Turn off the light When you go out. 5- III. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: + Type 1 : Điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại và tương lai * Form: If clause Main clause Present simple Future simple -Be : is / am/ are S + will + V -Have : has / have S + won’t + V -S + Vs/es S + doesn’t+ V Will + S + V ? + V + don’t + V 1. If My father (earn) a lot of money, he (rebuilt) the house. 2. He (go) on holiday if he (have) ___ some days off . 3. If we (need) some help, we( ask)___. 4. She (not write) ___ to you if you (not give) ___ your email. 5. If Harry (stay)___ with his grandparents, Sally (not be) happy.
  2. 6. You (do) this if you (be)___patient. 1. water the plants or they will die. If 2. She can’t go out because she has to study for his exam. If ___ 3. He doesn’t take any exercises. He is so unhealthy. => If ___ IV. MODAL VERBS :Động từ khiếm khuyết: + MAY / MIGHT: Diễn tả một khả năng có thể xảy ra ht/ tl, nhưng không chắc chắn lắm: S+ MAY / MIGHT + V . Ex: What is in this box? - It may / might be a watch. S + MAY NOT / MIGHT NOT + V . Ex : Hoa may not come to the party tomorrow. MAY / MIGHT + S+ V ? Ex : May I come in ? + CAN: diễn tả khả năng: In the present : S + can + V . S + can’t + V Can + S + V .? In the past : S + could + V S + couldn’t + V . Could + S + V .? In the future: S + will be able + to inf. S + won’t be able + to inf. . Will + S + be able+ to inf .? 1. I’m not sure , my future house under the ocean. 2. We draw the beautiful pictures about the sea. 3. . you talk to robots in the future? 4. He left the office very late so he be home for dinner. 5. Thanks to computer , We do many things at the same time but We do that in the past. 6. They're a very good team. They win the championship this year IV. WH QUESTIONS: WHAT: cái gì, cái gì? WHERE: ở đâu? hỏi về nơi chốn. WHEN: khi nào? hỏi về thời gian. WHY: tại sao? hỏi về lý do. WHO: ai? hỏi về người, chủ ngữ. HOW: thế nào? hỏi về cách thức làm gì. WHOSE: của ai? hỏi ai sở hữu cái gì. HOW MUCH: bao nhiêu? hỏi về số lượng, giá tiền (không đếm được). HOW MANY: bao nhiêu? hỏi về số lượng đếm được. HOW LONG: bao lâu? hỏi về thời gian. HOW OFTEN: thường xuyên như thế nào? hỏi về tần suất. HOW FAR: bao xa? hỏi về khoảng cách. WHICH: cái nào? hỏi về sự lựa chọn. 1. WHO hoặc WHAT: Câu hỏi chủ ngữ Wh- question words is/am/are/ was/ were (What/ Who/ Where/ Why/ When ) can/ could/ must/ should/ may/ might/ will S V ? do/ does/ did 1.The programme is on the Disney Channel. 2. The TV programme "Let's Learn" appears in over 80 countries. 3. I can get enough information for my essay by watching TV and visiting some websites. 4. They picked up rubbish along the beach last week. > . 5. The 31 st Seagames were held in Viet Nam 6. I really like swimming because it helps me keep fit. . V. Conectives: từ nối/ liên từ: + Chỉ sự thêm vào: and + Mâu thuẩn, trái ngược: but +L ý do : because + Kết quả: so + Lựa chọn: or ( hay là, hoặc là) 1. His hot chocolate was too hot. He put some cold milk in it. (so) 2. I only passed my exam .You helped me. (because) 3. My name is Jame. I’m your new teacher. (and) 4.The history test was difficult. The English one was easy. (but) 5. It was raining. We didn’t go to the beach yesterday. (because) 6. We have a test on Monday. I’ll have to study this weekend. (so) 7. She can speak French. She can’t write it. (but) 8. Do you like wear light clothes in summer? Do you like wear jeans in summer? (or)
  3. VI. COMPARISON: So sánh +Comparative (So sánh hơn) short adj: 1 at, 2at: y, ow,er,et,le Short Adj: S + V + adj + er + than + N/pronoun Long Adj: S + V + more + adj + than + N/pronoun - She is taller than I/me - This boy is more intelligent than that one. +Superlative (So sánh nhất) Short adj: S + V + the + adj + est + N/pronoun Long adj: S + V + the most + adj + N/pronoun in/ of - She is the tallest girl in the village. - He is the most intelligent boy in our class. Special adj.: Good / well better the best Bad / badly worse the worst Far further the furthest farther the farthest Much / many more the most Little less the least 1. She can’t stay (long) ___ than 30 minutes. 2. Well, the place is (clean) ___place I have been. 3. The red shirt is (good) and (expensive) ___of all. 4. Being a firefighter is (dangerous) ___ than being a builder. 5. The weather this summer is (hot) ___ of all. 6. He is (fast) ___ runner in our team. 7. I think hot dogs are (delicious) ___food 8. French is (big and modern) ___ than our country. REWRITE: 1. The black dress is more expensive than the white one. The white dress___. 2. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary. Mary ___. 3. No river in the world is longer than the Nile. The Nile ___ 4. Thanh is noisier than any boys in the class. No boys in the class___. VII. PRONOUNS Personal pronouns Possessive Subjects Objects Adjectives Pronouns I me My Mime You you Your Yours He him His His She + V V + her Her + N Hers + N It it Its Its We us Our Ours You you Your Yours They them Their Theirs Choose the right word to fill in each of the following blank. 1. Where are ___ friends now? (you) 2. ___lives in Australia now with ___ family. (She) 3. ___ children go to school in Newcastle. (they) 4. This book is ___. (he) 5. Never mind. ___and Nam will do it ourselves.(I) 6. Trung asked ___ to do it.(we) 7. Khai’s laptop is grey, and ___ is white. (I) 8. The cat washes ___ face.(it) VIII. ARTICLES: a/ an/ the
  4. Sử dụng mạo từ “a”, “an”, “the” - Mạo từ không xác định “a” hoặc “an” trước một danh từ số ít đếm được. + Dùng “an” trước các từ bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm (a, o , e, u , i) , h câm + Dùng “a“ trước các từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm. -Mạo từ xác định “the” trước một danh từ đã được xác định cụ thể về mặt tính chất, đặc điểm, vị trí hoặc đã được đề cập đến trước đó, hoặc những khái niệm phổ thông, ai cũng biết. 1. This morning I bought newspaper and . Magazine. newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where magazine. 2. My cousin has cat and dog. dog never bites cat. 3. We live in big house in middle of the village. 4. Last night We ate bowl of noodle and egg. 5. While I was walking along the street, I saw 10 note on pavement TEST 1 I. Which underlined sound is pronounced differently in each group. 1. A. planet B. trash C. understand D. waste 2. A. postcard B. pagoda C. tower D. ocean 3. A. cow B. now C. how D. throw 4. A. theater B. earth C. both D. Thursday 5. A. each B. sea C. create D. idea II. Circle the word which has different stress. 1. A. special B. modern C. wireless D. machine 2. A. control B. helpful C. solar D. software 3. A. surround B. channel C. robot D. planet 4. A. reuse B. rubbish C. reduce D. repair 5. A. appliance B. dishwasher C. countryside D. factory III. Rewrite these sentences as directed in the brackets. (1.0m) 1. VTV1 is a . channel. A. local B. national C. international 2. They ___ to Sapa for their holiday last summer. A. went B. are going C. go 3. If more people cycle to school or to work, there less air pollution. A. will be B. be C. is 4. They cancelled their picnic It was stormy yesterday. A. because B. when C. but 5. The book is ___, but you are welcome to read it. A. my B. mine C. I 6. Who is in the team? A. strong B.stronger C. the strongest 7. ___they live in Paris ten years ago? A. Were B. Do C. Did 8. Robots will do all the work___ we won’t have any things to do. A. but B. so C. because 9. ___days a week do you go to class? - I go to class five days a week. A. How many B. Who C. What 10. ___a useful machine! A. won’t B. can’t C. might 11. I like this gym. ___ equipment here is new and cool. A. An B. A C. The 12. I got good marks on the test ___ I studied very hard. A. so B. but C. because 13. You should take an umbrella with you today, it ___ rain later. A. won’t B. might not C. might 14. In my opinion, English is ___ subject at school.
  5. A. most difficult B. difficult C. the most difficult 15. ___ do you do judo? – Twice a week. A. When B. How often C. Why D. Where 16. There aren’t ___ good films on television at the moment. A. some B. any C. much D. a lot 17. If we cut down more forests, there___ more floods. A. are B. were C. have been D. will be 18.“- ___ sport do you often play after school ?” “ - Volleyball.” A. Who B. Why C. Which D. Where 19. 3 Rs is way to reduce rubbish. A. better B. good C. the best D. the better 20. I have watched Harry Potter several times___ I like it so much. A. because B. and C. although D. so IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I (not be) very happy yesterday. 2. If the weather (be) ___fine , we (plant) ___some young trees in our garden. 3. Susan (not know) about the exam and she (do)___ very badly. 4. Mai (wear) her uniform on Mondays and Saturdays 5. Look! The girls (sing) in the schoolyard. 6. We should (recycle) .used paper to protect the environment 7. If he (not, come) to the party on time, everybody (go) . without you. 8. What you (do) last weekend? - I (ride) round the lake with my friends. Then I (watch) TV in the afternoon. V. Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage. (1.0 p) about children in programmes channels There are many TV channels for (1) that offer interesting programmes for entertainment and learning. When watching the (2) , children can visit far-away lands, meet interesting people, learn (3) the world around them, laugh with the comedians and be entertained by the funny and colourful cartoons . Children can also take part (4) a TV competition or become a guest at the studio of a programme VI. Choose the best fit for each gap to complete the passage. (1.0pt) I would like to live in one of the (1)___modern houses in the world. It will produce all the energy it needs from the (2)___energy, the wind energy, but not from gas, or oil. There will be modern electronic (3)___in the kitchen such as a smart refrigerator, a dishwasher, a microwave oven, and so on. The house will also have a hi-tech TV that helps us to watch TV programmes from space. A home robot will be able to do all of housework, so our life will become more comfortable than ever (4)___. 1. A. much B. more C. most D. almost 2. A. sun B. solar C. sunny D. cloudy 3. A. appliances B. tools C. machines D. equip 4. A. until B. after C. before D. then VII. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answers. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. In Tokyo, there are always too many people in the place where you want to come. People are very polite even when they often spend a long time on traffic jams. Tokyo is different from London when you want to walk to a place. During the day, most people travel to work by train. Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day. Although they are usually crowded, Japanese trains are very good. They always leave and arrive on time. On a London train, everybody in a seat seems to be asleep whether the journey is long or short. The worst time to be in the street at night is about 11.30 when the nightclubs are closing and everybody wants to go home.
  6. 1. Tokyo is different from London because . A. it has a larger population B. it is a noisy city C. it is more difficult to walk to somewhere D. its people are friendly and more polite 2. When does the writer think the worst time to go into the street? A. When the nightclubs are closing. B. At 8.00 am. C. When the trains are full. D. At 11.30 am 3. What does the writer think of Japanese trains? A. They are very nice and comfortable. B. There are not enough trains. C. They often run late. D. They leave and arrive on time. 4. In London trains, every British in a seat . A. reads a newspaper B. looks like being asleep C. talks with other people D. looks out of the window. 5. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage? A. Most people in Tokyo travel to work by train. B. It is very difficult to go around in Tokyo. C. When Japanese people are on traffic jams, they are not polite. D. Trains in Tokyo are very good - they always leave and arrive on time. VIII. Rewrite these sentences as directed in the brackets. (2.0m) 1. He was lazy, so he got a bad mark. (Rewrite this sentence with “because”) -> 2. Because It rains hard, I go to school on time. -> If 3. We make the air dirty because we use the car all the time. -> If 4. I didn’t go to school yesterday because I was sick. (so) → I was sick , 5. No one in my class is more beautiful than Nga. (most) → Nga is 6. Tien is the tallest girl in our group. → Noone . 7. You mustn't swim in that polluted lake, boys. Don't . 8. Watching too much TV is not good because it hurts your eyes. (Make question for the underlined part) 9. You can watch The Pig Race. You can watch Who’s Faster. (or) . IX. Rearrange these words into a meaningful sentenses 1. but/ Phong/ sleepy/ stay up/ to watch TV. / he/ was/ late 2. is / The city / noiser / the countyside/ than. 3. time / having / a / in / We’re / great / Ho Chi Minh City 4. will / Workers/ next year / build/ / this area. / more bridges/ in 5. the/ Sydney/ city/ is/ cleanest/ world/ the/ in. 6. might/We/with/live/future/the/in/robots 7. university/ Viet Nam/ the/ was/ Quoc Tu Giam/ first/ in.