Đề thi cuối học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 4 (Global Success)

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Nội dung text: Đề thi cuối học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 4 (Global Success)

  1. Marks TEST TERM 1– ENGLISH 4 – GLOBAL SUCCESS School: . primary school THE TEST TERM 1 Name: Class: Subject: English 4 Time: 40 minutes LISTENING (3,0 points) Part 1: Listen and circle the right answers. There is one example. (1,0 pt) Ex A. B. C 1 C. A. B. 2 A. B. C. 3 A. B. C. 4 A. B. C. 1
  2. Part 2: Listen and tick (✓) in the box. There is one example. (1,0 pt) Example: 0. What can Lucy do? B C A ✓ 1. What time is it? C A B 2. When is your birthday? A B C 3. What can you do? B C B A 4. Where are you from? A B C 2
  3. Part 3: Listen and write. There is one example. (1,0 pt) Example: Where’s Lucy now? – Now, she’s at the (0) zoo 1. Nam: What can you do, Julia? Julia: Well, I can (1) . and sing quite well. I can also swim but I don’t swim so well. 2. Dan: Can you play any sports Jane? Jane: Yes, of course. Dan: What sports can you play? Jane: A lot. Football, (2) .,volleyball, and so on. 3. Oh, the kids are so noisy. They’re taking part at my daughter’s birthday (3) , they’re dancing and singing. 4. Mom: Why do you like art? Ben: I want to be a (4) . 3