Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 (Global Success) - Unit 4: Did you go to the party

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Nội dung text: Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 (Global Success) - Unit 4: Did you go to the party

  1. UNIT4. DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY Exercise 1: Choose the best answer: 1. My birthday party was lot of fun. My friends it. (repeated/ enjoyed/ had/ sang) 2. Mai has a lot of friends. Last Sunday she them to her birthday party. ( returned/ completed/ invited/ played). 3. To remember English words, I listen and them a lot of time. (complete/ finish/ begin/ repeat) 4. I travelled from Ha Noi to Bangkok, Thailand by . (horse/ bicycle/ underground/ plane) 5. They didn’t on a trip to their hometown yesterday because it rained heavily. (travel/ have/ go/ get) 6. My friends live in 32 Flat on the floor of Ha Noi Tower. (five/ fif/ fiveth/ fifth) 7. We go to the cinema at the weekends. (one/ two/ twice/ sometimes) 8. I always get after brushing my teeth and washing my face. (lunch/ up/ dressed/ on) 9. He his homework last Sunday, but today he left it at home. (returned/ completed/ started/ enjoyed) 10. Yesterday, school finished at 4.50 p.m. We home at 5.15 p.m. (returned// invited/ cooked/ played) Exercise 2: Read and match: 1. Went a. Hide-and-seek 1. 2. Listened b. Cartoons on TV 2. 3. Sang c. The party 3. 4. Played d. Homework 4. 5. Did e. On a picnic 5. 6. Completed f. English songs 6. 7. Watched g. To the radio 7. 8. Enjoyed h. Morning exercise 8. Exercise 3: Put “DID, WAS or WERE” into the brackets: 1. Where you born? Where your mother born? 2. When you start school? 3. How many schools you go to ? 4. What your favourite subject? 5. Where you live when you a child? 6. they live in a house or a flat? 7. I home to help my parents. 8. What the trip like? Exercise 8: Answer questions about you: 1. When is your birthday? 2. What birthday presents did you get last year? 3. Did you spend time with your friends on your birthday? 4. What did you do at your birthday party? 5. Who did you invite to your party? 6. Did you enjoy it?