Đề kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Học kì 2 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Thượng Thanh

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  1. PHÒNG GD & ĐT QUẬN LONG BIÊN THE 2nd TERM TEST TRƯỜNG THCS THƯỢNG THANH ENGLISH - GRADE 6 Code: 01 SCHOOL YEAR: 2017 - 2018 Time allowed : 45 minutes I. Aims: To evaluate students’ knowledge of using language from Unit 7 12 II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: Words and phrases to describe: - TV programmes, people and things - Sports and games - Continents, countries, cities and landmarks - Types of houses and appliances - Things that can be reduced, reused and recycled - Environmental problems and their effects - Everyday activities 2. Grammar: - Tenses review: Present simple tense, Present continuous tense, Simple future tense, Past simple, The present perfect. - Prepositions of place - Comparative and superlative of Adjectives - Imperatives - Conditional sentences - type 1 - “Will be able to” for future ability - Modal verbs: should, must, can, might,could - Conjunctions: and, but, so, because, although - Wh- question words 3. Skills: - Reading, writing, listening, use of language, pronunciation III.Matrix of the English second term test Skill questions Knowing Comprehension Application Total OTQ STQ OTQ STQ OTQ STQ Listening 4 x 2 x 2 x 8 2 2 2 16 Phonetics 4 x 4 2 8 Language focus 4 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 10 2 2 2 2 20 Reading 2 x 4 x 2 x 2 x 10 2 2 2 2 20 Writing 4 x 4 x 8 2 2 16 14 2 8 8 8 40 Total 28 4 16 16 16 80 ThượngThanh, ngày09 tháng 4 năm 2018 BGH duyệt Tổ / Nhóm CM NguyễnQuỳnhPhương
  2. PHÒNG GD & ĐT QUẬN LONG BIÊN THE 2nd TERM TEST TRƯỜNG THCS THƯỢNG THANH ENGLISH - GRADE 6 Code: 01 SCHOOL YEAR: 2017 - 2018 Time allowed : 45 minutes Name: ___ Date of testing:___ Class: 6__ Mark Teacher’s remark A. LISTENING I. Listen and mark True/False (T/F). (12ps) T/F 1. Duong really likes going to the gym. 2. Mai likes going to the gym because of modern equipment and friendly people. 3. Duong can play both karate and table tennis. 4. Last week, Mai played table tennis with Duy and she won. 5. Mai is not very good at sports 6. Mai and Duong will go to the karate club by bike this Saturday. II. Listen and fill in the missing word.(4ps) 1. Duong often does karate every ___. 2. It takes ___ minutes to get to the karate club from Mai’s house. B. PHONETICS Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined (8ps) 1. A. stand B. apple C. hand D. father 2. A. clothing B. brother C. thick D. there 3. A. couch B. house C. soup D. ground 4. A. favorite B. night C. fine D. high C. USE OF LANGUAGE I. Circle the best answer (12ps) 1. They cancelled their picnic ( when / but / or / because ) the weather was bad . 2. If we cut down more forests, there (are/ were/ have been/ will be ) more floods. 3. He ( can / is able to / could/ will be able to ) swim when he was ten . 4. The three Rs (stand/ sit/ make/ explain) for Reduce , Reuse and Recycle . 5. I (have gone/ have been/ went/ visited) to Singapore three times . 6. A person who acts in a comedy is a ( player / film maker / comedian / actress ) II. Put the verbs in the brackets into their correct tenses (4ps) 1. Be quiet ! The baby (sleep)___ 2. Mr. Brown (play) ___ chess since eight o’clock. III. Give the correct forms of the words in the brackets (4ps) 1. Jerry is the ___little mouse . ( intelligence ) 2. The show is ___ (boring) than we expect. C. READING I. Read the following passage and choose the best option to fill in the blank. (12ps) Our houses in the future (1)___ be more eco-friendly. We won’t use electricity in our houses. We will (2)___ wind energy or solar energy instead. We will be able to control our future houses (3)___ our voices. Doors and windows will (4)___and lights will go on when we ask
  3. them to. It will make our liveseasier and (5)___comfortable. In the future, there will be underwater or underground cities. There will be cities in the air and on other planets too. We’ll have to build cities there(6)___ there will be so many people and not enough land to build houses or buildings on. 1. A. will B. must C. can D. could 2. A. uses B. uses C. using D. use 3. A. by B. with C. of D. at 4. A. close B. closes C. open D. opens 5. A. more B. most C. the more D. the most 6. A. because B. and C. but D. although II. Read the passage again and answer the following questions (8ps) 1. How will our house be in the future? ___ 2. What types of power will we use? ___ 3. Will our life be easier or not? ___ 4. Why will we have to build cities on other planets? ___ D. WRITING I. Rearrange the words to make sentences (4ps) 1. Television/ changed/ a/ since/ has/ then/ lot/.// ___ 2. Jordan/ studying/ at the/ in/ started/ Universityof North Carolina/ 1981/.// ___ II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first one.(4ps) 1. He last ate seafood 3 months ago . He hasn’t___ 2. We turned to The Movie Channel .We wanted to watch Pinocchio .( because ) ___ III. Write a small paragraph about your dream house in the future (8pt) You may use these suggestions - Type of house - location - surroundings - modern things in the house - . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___THE END___
  4. PHÒNG GD & ĐT QUẬN LONG BIÊN ANSWER KEYS TRƯỜNG THCS THƯỢNG THANH THE 2nd TERM TEST Code: 01 ENGLISH – GRADE 6 SCHOOL YEAR: 2017 - 2018 Time allowed : 45 minutes A. LISTENING Audio script:Unit8 – Getting started - page 16 Duong: Wow! This gym is great! Mai: Yeah, I really like coming here. The equipment is modern and the people are friendly. What sports do you do, Duong? Duong: Well, I can do a little karate, and I play table tennis. Last week I played with Duy and I won for the first time. Mai: Congratulations! How often do you do karate? Duong: Every Saturday. Mai: You’re very fit! I’m not good at many sports. Duong: I have an idea. You can come to the karate club with me. Mai: No, I can’t do karate. Duong: But you can learn! Will you come with me on Saturday? Mai: Well OK. Duong: Great! I’ll meet you at the club at 10 a.m. Mai: Sure. Where is it? How do I get there? Duong: It’s Superfit Club, on Pham Van Dong Road. Take bus 16 and get off at HoaBinh Park. It’s 15 minutes from your house. Mai: OK. See you then. I. Listen and mark True/False (T/F). (12ps = 2 x 6) 1. F 2. T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6. F I. Listen and fill in the missing word(4ps = 2 x 2) 1. Saturday 2. 15/fifteen B. PHONETICS Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined (8ps = 2 x 4) 1. D. father 2. C. thick 3. C. soup 4. A. favorite C. LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Circle the best answer (12ps = 0.2 x 6) 1. because 2. will be 3. Could 4. stand 5. have been 6. comedian II. Put the verbs in the brackets into their correct tenses (4ps = 2 x 2) 1. is sleeping 2. has played III. Give the correct forms of the words in the brackets (4ps = 2 x 2) 1. most intelligent 2. more boring C. READING I. Read the following passage and choose the best option to fill in the blank. (12ps = 2 x 6) 1. A. will 2.D. use 3. B. with 4. C. open 5. A. more 6. A. because II. Read the passage again and answer the following questions (8ps = 2 x 4) 1. Our houses in the future will be more eco-friendly. 2. We will use wind energy or solar energy instead 3. Our lives will be easier 4. Because there will be so many people and not enough land to build houses or buildings on.
  5. D. WRITING I. Rearrange the words to make sentences (4ps = 2 x 2) 1. Television has changed a lot sincethen. ___ 2. Jordan started studying at the University of North Carolina in 1981. ___ II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first one.(4ps= 2 x 2) 1. He hasn’t eaten seafood for 3 months. 2. We turned to The Movie Channel because we wanted to watch Pinocchio .( because ) III. Write a small paragraph about your dream house in the future (8pt) - Suggestions: - Ideas 4 - linkers: 2 - good words 2 - Mistakes 1/spelling or grammar Ban Giámhiệu Tổ chuyên môn NguyễnQuỳnhPhương
  6. PHÒNG GD & ĐT QUẬN LONG BIÊN THE 2nd TERM TEST TRƯỜNG THCS THƯỢNG THANH ENGLISH - GRADE 6 Code: 02 SCHOOL YEAR: 2017 - 2018 Time allowed : 45 minutes Name: ___ Date of testing:___ Class: 6__ Mark Teacher’s remark A. LISTENING I. Listen and mark True/False (T/F). (12ps) T/F 1. Duong really likes going to the gym. 2. Mai likes going to the gym because of modern equipment and friendly people. 3. Duong can play both karate and table tennis. 4. Last week, Mai played table tennis with Duy and she won. 5. Mai is not very good at sports 6. Mai and Duong will go to the karate club by bike this Saturday. II. Listen and fill in the missing word. (4ps) 3. Duong often does karate every ___. 4. It takes ___ minutes to get to the karate club from Mai’s house. B. PHONETICS Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined (8ps) 5. A .starting B. marbles C. stars D. solars 6. A. nice B. wireless C. living D. hi-tech 7. A. gather B. monthly C. father D. brother 8. A. hear B. clear C. bear D. fear C. USE OF LANGUAGE I. Circle the best answer (12ps) 7. ( Who / When / Where / What ) is your favorite type of programme?- Cartoons . 8. You can watch Harry Potter on TV ( so / when / but / or ) you can read it . 9. Thanh likes ( hot / cold / rainy/windy )weather because he can go swimming . 10. That is ( theborest / the boring / the most boring / the most bored ) book I’ve ever read . 11. Do you enjoy ( to cook / cook / cooks / cooking ) ? 12. My mother (didn’t go/ didn’t went/ doesn’t go/doesn’t goes) to work yesterday II. Put the verbs in the brackets into their correct tenses (4ps) 3. Thomas ___ ( work ) for BBC One since 2005. 4. If we (need) ___ some help, we will ask. III. Give the correct forms of the words in the brackets (4ps) 3. The beaches in Sydney are the___ (beautiful ) in the world. 4. Fuji in Japan is ___ (high) than Fansipan in Viet Nam. C. READING I. Read the passage about Tina’s dream house. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). (12ps) My dream home will be a modern house. The house will be hidden in the forest. There is a gate which is always locked, and you have to talk to me to get in.
  7. Inside the basement will be an average size theatre room. My house will also have an indoor pool. It will also have five floors, and in one floor is a gaming room for me and my brothers and my friends. On the third floor is my room. It is a good place for me to relax. My dream home also has a lift so it is easier to get to the floors but the house will still have stairs if you want to use them T F 1. Tina’s dream house will be traditional. 2. Getting to her house will take time. 3. There will be a medium theatre in her house. 4. Her room is also for playing with friends. 5. The lift makes it less difficult to get to the floors. 6. There will still have stairs II. Read the passage again and answer the following questions (8ps) 5. How will Tina’s house be in the future? ___ 6. Where will it be? ___ 7. How many floors will it have? ___ 8. Why will it have stairs? ___ D. WRITING I. Rearrange the words to make sentences (4ps) 3. Television/ changed/ a/ since/ has/ then/ lot/.// ___ 4. Jordan/ studying/ at the/ in/ started/ University of North Carolina/ 1981/.// ___ II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first one.(4ps) 3. She last met him last Sunday. She has not___ 2. You can watch The Pig Race. You can watch who’s faster .( or ) ___ III. Write a small paragraph about your dream house in the future (8pt) You may use these suggestions - Type of house - location - surroundings - modern things in the house - . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___THE END___
  8. PHÒNG GD & ĐT QUẬN LONG BIÊN ANSWER KEYS TRƯỜNG THCS THƯỢNG THANH THE 2nd TERM TEST Code: 02 ENGLISH – GRADE 6 SCHOOL YEAR: 2017 - 2018 Time allowed : 45 minutes A. LISTENING Audio script:Unit 8 – Getting started - page 16 Duong: Wow! This gym is great! Mai: Yeah, I really like coming here. The equipment is modern and the people are friendly. What sports do you do, Duong? Duong: Well, I can do a little karate, and I play table tennis. Last week I played with Duy and I won for the first time. Mai: Congratulations! How often do you do karate? Duong: Every Saturday. Mai: You’re very fit! I’m not good at many sports. Duong: I have an idea. You can come to the karate club with me. Mai: No, I can’t do karate. Duong: But you can learn! Will you come with me on Saturday? Mai: Well OK. Duong: Great! I’ll meet you at the club at 10 a.m. Mai: Sure. Where is it? How do I get there? Duong: It’s Superfit Club, on Pham Van Dong Road. Take bus 16 and get off at HoaBinh Park. It’s 15 minutes from your house. Mai: OK. See you then. I. Listen and mark True/False (T/F). (12ps = 2 x 6) 1. F 2. T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6. F II. Listen and fill in the missing word (4ps = 2 x 2) 1. Saturday 2. 15/fifteen B. PHONETICS Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined (8ps = 2 x 4) 1. D.solars 2. C.living 3.B. wireless 4.C. bear C. LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Circle the best answer (12ps = 0.2 x 6) 1. what 2. or 3. hot 4. the most boring 5. cooking 6. didn’t go II. Put the verbs in the brackets into their correct tenses (4ps = 2 x 2) 1. has worked 2. need III. Give the correct forms of the words in the brackets (4ps = 2 x 2) 1. mostbeautiful 2. higher C. READING I. Read the following passage and mark True/False. (12ps = 2 x 6) 1. F 2.F 3. T 4.F 5.T 6.T II. Read the passage again and answer the following questions (8ps = 2 x 4) 1. It will be a modern house . 2. The house will be hidden in the forest 3. It will have five floors 4. The house will still have stairs if you want to use them D. WRITING I. Rearrange the words to make sentences (4ps = 2 x 2)
  9. 1. Television has changed a lot since then. ___ 2. Jordan started studying at the University of North Carolina in 1981. ___ II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first one.(4ps= 2 x 2) 1. She has not met him since Sunday. 2. You can watch The Pig Race or you can watch who’s faster III. Write a small paragraph about your dream house in the future (8pt) - Suggestions: - Ideas 4 - linkers: 2 - good words 2 - Mistakes - 1/spelling or grammar Ban Giámhiệu Tổchuyênmôn NguyễnQuỳnhPhương